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I hear a lot of ad hominem type attacks, but I don't see any substance behind your arguments. I'm open to listening to your opinion on why you believe the things you are saying to be true.
The one point I agree with you on is that the key to cold storage is the storage of your seed phrase. Yes, the HWW cannot do this for you and neither can your air gapped linux machine. You must do this on your own.
The HWW can help you in generating the seed offline on a device that never touches the internet. Also important, it can help you sign transactions in an airgapped fashion, if you actually want to use your bitcoin.
Anyway, to each his own, you seem to have very strong opinions based on your attack so I'm not trying to change your mind. Just providing another perspective from someone who will make exactly $0.00 if someone chooses to buy a HWW or not.
Do you believe HW vendors don't promote their products via social media? Seriously? If they do will they admit it? No. So your claim there is no gain for in promoting HWs carries zero credibility. There is simply too much incentive for HW manufacturers to seriously believe they would not promote on social media.
Anyway of you are genuine and want to achieve the ability to create a cold wallet and make transfers without ever needing any third party HW gadget-
Learn how to create a Linux OS on a usb stick.
This is all you need to have an always offline cold wallet which can also sign transactions should you ever wish to transfer funds out.
If you are regularly transferring out you really should learn how to sign transactions remotely. No serious trader would rely upon a HW.
Also only use Linux for any serious Bitcoin computing.
Not interested and wasting time explaining further - if you don't get it yet you're not ready to understand what Bitcoin is about.
What makes you think Ubuntu on a USB stick is always offline? Does the computer have Intel Management Engine physically disabled or not? What about the AMD Platform Security Processor? Is there bios level malware running in the computer?
The linux kernel has a long list of known unpatched vulnerabilities (don't believe me, go listen to why the folks at GrapheneOS recommend not using non-hardened linux, particularly for highly sensitive work):
Perhaps you should do some studying about the insecurity of general purpose computers before spouting off like you're some genius sent down to enlighten us all:
Do you believe HW vendors don't promote their products via social media?
Now you are just raising extreme nonsense FUD. Clearly you are highly motivated to create pro HW FUD and have scoured all the FUD you now spout. You have not responded to any of the facts and issues I have raised and instead you respond with diversionary scaremongering FUD. Im calling you out as paid a HW tout. As already stated- not interested if you don't get it and you are clearly determined not to because your agenda is to spruik HWs.
Lol, you can believe whatever you want. My exact issue was that you didn't raise "facts and issues" but just spouted off attacks.
Just because you say something doesn't make it true. Sorry, but that's your life lesson for today troll.
Do you believe HW vendors don't promote their products via social media?
I raise multiple facts and issues- you have repeatedly failed to respond to most of them let alone convincingly dismiss or retort them...instead you deny they exist- something anyone following this thread can see is pure evasion.
You clearly have some reading comprehension issues. Best of luck to you in life my friend. I'm done engaging :)