Good story. Thanks. I have a million questions. Is it difficult to emigrate from Venezuela? Why did you choose Peru? Is your friend on SN? Are you aware of local bitcoin communities in Peru? Sorry for all the questions.
Don't worry, you can ask whatever you want, emigrating from my country Venezuela is difficult and it is not dependent on whether you have someone to receive you and can help you with the passage, it is not difficult but if you go on your own backpacking or as a backpacker, as people who go in trucks making stops are called, it is a little more complicated. I chose Peru because my brother was already here and he received me. Here in Peru there are no Bitcoin communities, here they still work with their fiduciary currency, which is the sol, which suffers from inflation problems and everything, but very little is known about Bitcoin here in Peru. My friend does belong to SN and does trading and he is the one who is teaching me and continues to teach me currently.