Deserving of its own post following a comment by @mrsu in #703495.
Video is only 4 minutes long.
Do you know of other countries that have taken similar measures? How are single use plastics treated in your country?
Korea is one of the biggest users of plastic in the world. Awareness is slowly growing, but individuals prefer acting on it if it becomes government mandated rather than from own initiative which would feel pointless in the grand scheme of things.
"The government has a team of inspectors... If you don't have permission you can't use them..."
This is what every government aspires to for everything.
I remember when plastic bags and more was phased in, there was a lot of debate on how it could be stopped...
Not much more to add really, maybe awareness is more important than regulations that won't ever work in the end, seen that happen here in Asia as well as back in Europistan, there will always be ways around it, and often with added cost to the end user!
Taiwan was a lot better. They dont want you to use plastic bags, and you would have to buy each one. Also, you could use those bags for the garbage when they came to pick up the garbage.
Similar here, but the cost of the bag is negligible. We can also use them for garbage pick up.
Reusable bags grocery bags are a thing, but you end up with a lot of them as you often forget to bring them along. Kinda defeats the purpose of using less plastic.
I actually ended up reusing many of the plastic bags I bought. They were very nicely made, very thick. I used them until they broke. When you folded them flat, you could carry them everywhere. But I know what you mean, I ended up buying bags every so often when I was out.