You fail to realize what will keep people away from Bitcoin. Like the examples Ive given. Also, Litecoin and dash cost less than lightning does in most cases to transact on chain. And as stated, lightning has its own issues when it comes to capacity, inability to find a route, ect. And I love lightning I use it to pay for coffee in person in my city regularly. But you didn't address the fact that why would anyone be inclined to use Bitcoin over fiat. Fiat allows free and instant transactions and layer 1 Bitcoin, which lets be honest is where the large majority of Bitcoin tx's happen, is expensive. (even a dollar is expensive to transact money when there are so many other options that are feeless!) And you guys fail to realize that 95 % of the worlds population isn't concerned with their transactions being anonymous, and even that feature of Bitcoin is pretty.much non existent anymore. I'm just playing devil's advocate here. But the big issue I have is you Bitcoin maxi's treat those who are skeptical with this arrogance and disdain and pretty much demand they listen to you and learn without being skeptical and it turns people off. Darth is a great example of this. Anyone who dare disagrees with him on anything Bitcoin related he bullies and treats them like shit. Also, a lot of maxi's have this entitled pompous attitude towards those that aren't interested in Bitcoin and you guys act like they're terrible people and should be shunned. This mentality won't get Bitcoin anywhere. Let's not forget, Satoshi created Bitcoin for everyone, but never states that it should be forced or mandated into universal adoption..
Are... you serious? Or is this a kind of comedic sarcasm? Why wouldn't someone want to use Fiat? I mean why wouldn't someone want to use the Mexican Peso? Or the Lebanese Pound? Argentinian Lira?
Lightning works great. Been using it all the time and rarely (although occasionally) have issues.
I respectfully disagree that 'layer 1' bitcoin is expensive. It's like sub-50 cents right now, which as a % of transactions of any reasonable size... is tiny. 50-cents to send a million dollars it's far cheaper, more secure, and more transparent that fiat on the right scale.
Most of the people here, you are correct, are Bitcoin maxis but that's because maxis believe that Bitcoin is the best choice for non-state money that works for everyone. The other coins may have cheap transactions... but that's because the chains are almost completely empty. Noone uses them (relatively speaking). And with a fraction of the hashrate they aren't anywhere near as secure for wall-street size transactions (inevitable for global money too) ie they are not serious blockchains.
Stacker News is all about Bitcoin. You are free to Buy and Hodl Litecoin good luck to you but I really think these issues have been resolved over the last 5-6 years.