Keysend doesn't add any privacy whatsoever, it relies on knowing the pubkey on the node just the same as in an invoice.
With channel probing, a very common practice, others can know the true balance of a channel. Sure, there could have been many payments back and forth in the ~19s (less if already have an idea of the prev balance) it takes to re-probe a channel on average, but practically speaking that's not the reality that it changes that much for an every day user that quickly.
This is quite blatant not true. Probing will show nothing in terms of privacy. As I explained in this guide you can use private channels/ private nodes / keysend in a simple mode that cannot be traced in any way. Use your imagination, there are many ways to do it.
I'm sorry but you're wrong, especially in your generous use of extreme statements such as "show nothing", "any way", and "full privacy". Not only is probing a privacy concern for public channels but it's a concern for these "unannounced" channels you think are private as well. It's in my linked guide above, give that a read and let me know if you have any questions.