245 sats \ 6 comments \ @sn 2h meta bot
zaps forwarded to @k00b (10%) @Undisciplined (50%)

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  • stacker is in hiding for September 30, 2023
  • @k00b
    • 8655 stacked \ 30.8k spent \ 4 posts \ 18 comments \ September 30, 2022
  • @k00b
    • 46 stacked \ 365 spent \ 3 posts \ 8 comments \ September 30, 2021

Top Comments

  • #270740 on Weekend Book Recommendations
    • 983 sats \ 1 reply \ @Michelson_Morley \ September 30, 2023
      Finally got around to start up Atlas Shrugged. Haven't gotten further than a couple chapters but I'm loving it! [...]
  • #75847 on Meta SN: Should we raise posting costs?
    • 1756 sats \ 3 replies \ @Wumbo \ September 30, 2022
      Just a thought: How about a limited block size model? There is only so many post allow per a particular time frame. As the noise level rises so does the posting cost, like the mempool. [...]
  • #2772 on @ThrillerX_'s bio
    • 855 sats \ 0 replies \ @ThrillerX_ \ September 30, 2021
      yup lucky to call him a friend irl, but more of a fan of his brilliance. all i do for sn is what everyone else does as stackers and that helps grow our community here. i personally think @k00b might be creating something here that could reinvent how news and communities are delivered globally. [...]

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  • ~bitcoin
    • 42.1k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 50.4k spent \ 82 posts \ 229 comments \ September 30, 2023
  • ~bitcoin
    • 52.4k stacked \ 0 revenue \ 64.2k spent \ 106 posts \ 288 comments \ September 30, 2022
  • ~bitcoin
    • 974 stacked \ 0 revenue \ 1064 spent \ 32 posts \ 67 comments \ September 30, 2021
@siggy47, there was a satsraiser?
Yes, the Anita Poach satsraiser.
That was the first one, right? According to @carlosfandango there wasn't a second one!
@siggy47 has been a huge advocate for Anita Posch’s work and 3m sats was a reflection of his cheerleading AND the project itself.
And it wasn’t for want of trying to find another project but many BTC grass roots projects are quite specific and have the whiff of a scam to some people IMHO.
Darth had the idea of anyone giving a few location details and posting an invoice for a service and we could send a few sats. I think in a known location like the NY Deli (or other similar validated venue) we could really help a business get on its BTC/LN feet.
Those were the days… we all thought Anita’s project was worthy of support (still is) - grass roots, POW, LN-focus and good use case - then we couldn’t agree on another.
This one is the first I have noticed the 2023 numbers for Bitcoin dropped below 22 numbers what happened?