Rescue the Republic was yesterday. I caught glimpses of it but didn't watch much of it. Of the people that spoke at the event Taibbi and Weinstein are the two I'm most curious to hear from - I've never seen either give a speech.
What kind of turn out did they have?
It looked pretty modest, < 1000 people, from what I saw. It's not bad considering the whole thing was pitched as a philosophy rally more or less.
It probably suffered from a by-stander effect on the promotion side too; "a group of people are grouping, do you want to group with them?" JBP and many of the speakers could probably draw bigger crowds on their own.
I think they were expecting much more than that. Wasn't Bret Weinstein on Rogan talking about wanting half a million people to send a message to politicians.
40 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 30 Sep
Yeah but marketing isn't one of Bret's many talents, e.g. "Come hear about our eight nuanced political pillars!"
Definitely. I appreciate the pillars but even I who was interested in them fell asleep by the end of him describing them.
Even the French dandies marched to the razor by the Jacobins were towering specimens of humanity compared to the Michael Haydens, John Brennans, James Clappers, Mike McFauls and Rick Stengels who make up America’s self-appointed behavior police.
Thank God we still have this guy writing!
I'm glad someone is bringing to light what John Kerry has said.
Which is why I say: Kerry, Hayden, Cheney, Adam Schiff, Craig Newmark, Reid Hoffman, Pierre Omidyar, Leon Panetta, and especially that Time editor turned self-appointed censor Rick Stengel should be packed in a rocket and launched into the fucking sun.
We caught this line seeking through the stream. lol