The White House just announced that it believes Iran's response to Israel is imminent. Ballistic Missiles would definitely be a pretty significant escalation by Iran since when they launched their last attack it was a missile/drone mixture. Given the significant degradation of Hamas and Hezbollah's missile launch capability, it seems to me that Israel really only has to focus on an attack from Iran as opposed to an attack from multiple fronts at once.
The big thing that comes to mind is the price of oil. Right now it has been low in the mid 60s. When Israel was last attacked in the 70s the price of oil tripled and while that likely would not happen oil could fly to over $100 if the scope and sophistication is another step up as many believe.
Coupled with the East and Gulf Coast Port strikes this would serve as a huge inflationary event that would nuke what Fed Powell said just yesterday!
UPDATE: This announcement by the White House is due to intelligence-detecting Iranian assets and systems moving (meaning they are moving into position for an attack) something that was previously not seen. Iran wouldn't move its weapons systems into position to attack without an attack coming as they have said they are going to "get" Israel for its attacks and posturing would only make Iran appear weaker without an attack.
this territory is moderated
Not the news I wanted to hear driving us back down to 58k, hope its just bravado because once you escalate, it usually has to get totally out of hand before a de-escalation is even on the table, and how many lives will that cost?
oh dear lord!
They also believe men can get pregnant, it's a dark comedy but is scripted nevertheless. 🍿
Iran knows it'd be trivial to wipe it off the map and wants no part of all-out war. If anything it'll be a staged barrage to save face after the Lebanon actions, just like when they hit that empty base during the Trump years to save face after Soleimeini got whacked.
What we're not hearing anything about is the pacific, so I assume the real staging is happening there while we look the other way.
Oof that base they hit wasnt empty.... a couple dozen service members got hurt from it mainly concussions. Those at the base just had enough time to get to bunkers hence no injuries but it has come out it wasn't an empty base.
With the Pacific it is my understanding that at the moment China and North Korea both are tied up with Russia and providing arms there. So I think there is a breathing room for once. China did make news with the "largest navy" but that is because they count each and every one of their boats which would mean the US would need to count river boats lol
I recall that officially there were no injuries and backchannel coordination was implied, also keep in mind that the comms were from Milley and Esper. Milley has the fake tiff with Trump and Esper was fired after the election (same time the CIA was subordinated to military intelligence). Take nothing literally.
Wdym China/NK tied up with Russia? Ukraine artillery? The pacific will have little to nothing to do with artillery, the Ukraine stuff seems to be mostly a money laundering operation to fund new stuff for the pacific by destroying stock piles of legacy equipment.
Navy stats only matter far as how many missiles we can deliver over there, China doesn't need a big expeditionary navy since they have proximity. That battle will be won with drones, missiles, aircraft and satellites. Navy vs. Navy I don't think will matter until it comes down to containing Chinese submarines should they break the island chain.
Oh, I only know about the base because it was discussed on the hill over the time I have been working here. Yeah, there were backchannels through Switzerland if I remember correctly and officially yes the base was empty but it turned out that was not the case.
With China/NK they are tied up with arms to Russia beyond the artillery... that was mostly NK and that stuff went up in flames as well as has an issue with misfiring and blowing up the turrets. Russia is trying to get all the EW equipment it can and according to recent reports are providing a ton of chips to Russia for the drones and "new" Russian missiles. China also has been the country that has been absorbing the Russian oil but their economy is sputtering and we have seen more Chinese banks turn away Russia because they don't want to get caught up in sanctions. The money just isn't enough to justify the risk.
One thing to note I have seen more chatter about is NK possibly sending "workers" to Russia since they need more bodies. They cant really mobilize without causing issues with production and the general economy as they are running out of prisoners and minority forces to send as cannon fodder. If NK does do this it would allow SK to turn more of its focus towards China to keep them in check which China would hate.
Since China has lost another sub to the bottom of a river I am not sure how great they are at making them. Last year they had that state of the art one get caught in the anti torpedo nets and sink and now they sunk a nuclear sub as soon as they launched it....
USA cannot declare war on China because most US major corporations would collapse under the Trading with the Enemy Act. US economy is dependent on Chinese manufacturing. China has won the trade war and is now building submarines with Russian assistance. Half of the shipping globally is built by China. USA builds less than 2%.
lol China isnt building anything near what the US builds. It immediately sunk a brand new nuclear sub when trying to launch it. Its comparing apples and oranges.
Also you seem to think that if the US declared war these companies would transition into producing arms and other military needs. Look at WWII regular manufacturing goes away and war manufacturing takes off. Its why Russia for example cannot end the Ukrainian war they destroyed their economy except for war goods.
How many major US corporations do not rely upon Chinese supply chains? You do not seem to understand the Trading with the Enemy Act.
I am not sure you understand the American Political process. If Congress declared war on a country something that hasn't happened since WWII and has only happened in 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish War, and WWI I am not sure anyone is going to care about consumables. The DAA kicks in and America's economy overnight changes. We saw a little peak of it during COVID with something stuff the US never made I mean Tesla was making ventilators for gods sake. Your TV's Crayons and dolls wouldn't matter.
Existing supply chains go right out the window because we arent making the same things.
Eh, no way to be sure either way but that sounds like a lot of atlantic council think-tank cope that's always downtalking geopolitical rivals and will say anything to pretend there's reason to launder more money in Ukraine. There's been enough fake Ukraine is winning coverage that I assume Russia/China faltering news is equally fake.
But, these same think tanks would also tell you that because they're faltering so badly, they're cornered and will make it a 3 front standoff out of desperation.
minority forces to send as cannon fodder
lol, straight out of the Atlantic...
It would make sense for NK to send bodies to Russia for any number of reasons, but that doesn't put SK back on the board, Seoul is a nuclear hostage.
In the last few years one of our subs "crashed into a mountain" and had to get limped home and then we found that the materials tests in their construction were being forged. This was around the same time we splashed an F-35 off a carrier.
I wouldn't compare our abilities to produce things because we won't look good.
The "intelligence-detecting" is rather cheeky, considering one spook at Langley just has to walk down the hall and ask the other spook in charge what their ayatollah has planned for the weekend.
Now rocket sirens are going off in eastern Isreal
Confirmed rocket attack coming from Iran.
Did you click on the link link associated with the post? Cause it had it.
And its only 10 AM so this is going to be a hell of a day. Currently it is 5 PM in Israel and I would expect this to be some sort of nighttime attack so the next few hours are going to be well.... the deciding factor.
Its getting bad and the missiles haven't even started flying....
Are we going to get involved?
Yes we will help shoot down the missiles and drones like we did last time.
Who is paying for it?
I would think each country is going to pay for whatever they expend. The US, UK, Jordan, I want to say France all have some sort of security pacts with Israel
What a drain for the usa. Just use all the taxpayer money for free.
Ehh not really actually! So what we are/will use is our "older" weapons or weapons we haven't used for certain situations before and that ends up boosting sales to foreign countries. We have seen sales explode with the Russian failed invasion and as the US has had to build out more manufacturing for these weapons which results in a net boost for the economy and government.
Might be some upfront cost but rapidly it flips on its head to a net inflow of $
USAs major exports are death and debt.
I see. I thought we only offloaded junk to taiwan?
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 1 Oct
Naw that is Ukraine that gets the old stuff. Taiwan gets the new stuff because we need the chips lol
"the banks."
  • Smedley Butler, probably
That's a racket!
Strange that endless wars and millions of civilian casualties are never cited by green commies as hurting what they say is a so fragile planet, I guess the racket is more profitable than a green agenda
Greta more high oil prices
'WASHINGTON — Iran launched missiles toward Israel, Israel's Defense Forces said in a short statement Tuesday as it urged Israelis to enter bomb shelters.
Few other details were immediately available.
Sirens were sounding across Israel. The IDF said it was working to intercept the missiles.'
Those fucking idiot politicians are going to destroy this planet.
I mean I am not sure what else anyone expected from Israel given they got attacked first. Not to mention in their attacks into Lebanon they killed Hezbollah members who were responsible for the Beruit bombing that killed over 200 US Marines
Iran and Russia are only able to wage war as they are because China enables them with monetary liquidity/trade payments and supply of manufactured goods. This is WW3 being fought by proxy. Most reporting and analysis is in denial of the true fundamentals of this conflict. China is challenging US hegemony through its proxies who are already dependent upon China for trade and trade payments.
Why can't we all just get along?
There's this thing called the Qur'an
Well that is lame.
DNA is wired to be competitive.
Hard to know how much of this is actually the case, versus CNN fanning the flames.
Sadly.... CNN was on the dot this is beyond what I ever imagined.
Or in the loop...
Hustle is praying for both sides.
In his past life he would load bombs and missiles onto fighter jets.
In his current life he shakes his head.