This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
я тут бро уже более месяца... знаешь! стоит сделать приложение. давай на собираем сатоши?
Do you think Cragi Wright is regretting trying to scam the bitcoin community?
I struggle to empathize with him. His motivation seems to be unearned fame which is weird.
I defend my thesis today :)
Good luck! What was your topic? Bachelor, Master, dissertation?
I spent some time learning about how LN works today...I feel I have a much better general idea of how transactions are verified/executed and why debt vs credit transactions are much better for the system. I feel like I understand how nodes establish channels and have a pretty good idea of why there are 'sinks' and 'fountains'. While I get the OB/IB liquidity its still fuzzy in my head.
I'm looking for any beginner information on how to run your own LN node as I continue my research...also why am I seeing that RaspberryPI nodes are bad?
I haven't read that raspberries are considered to be bad for LN nodes. Where did you read that?
I would recommend 'Mastering the Lightning Network' by Andreas Antonopoulos. It cleared up a lot to me. Still need to finish it though
Haha, what a coincidence. I am running my bitcoin node on a thinkpad t420. I fully agree, they are awesome! Still need to listen to the rest of the podcast
Thank you! You are a vile source of useful information, haha
I wrote several guides about LN nodes on substack.
The general and important question a new user should ask himself is: WHY do you run a LN node, not HOW. As I explained in my guides, there are many "why" and each one have its own role. You have to think very careful about this aspect (see in the beginning of this guide, the points about WHY).
Here are some guides about recommendations for new LN users:
The IMF speculates that Europe may experience civil unrest if the winter is harsh (As if Europe has never experienced hardships before). But does this mean global warming is good?
Do you think global warming means that every place will get warmer by the same degree?
You pay too much attention to what those parasites said. Live your life in peace and ignore them. Don't waste your time with gibberish.
Working on & learning React (pleasant & useful at the same time 😉). Just deployed the feature which allows for creating multiple business-cards/bookmarks when using this generator. For now, a lightning gift can be added to a single card/bookmark only - but today I'll be working on a feature which will make adding bulk lightning gifts possible 🙂
As always, would love to hear your feedback 🙂
Have a great Bitcoin Friday!
Why do you keep working on useless shit?
I can't help myself 😅