I've written before something to the effect that, given the revolutionary impact of #bitcoin, the Satoshi identity might be the biggest mystery since...well, I'm not really sure since when. But, I feel bitcoin is the most revolutionary idea/invention in economics since Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations in 1776. Maybe it's the most revolutionary one ever because bitcoin is Adams' capitalism automated and auto-running, independent of man's whims and combining so many various intellectual fields (econ, math, comp sci, game theory, human psych, physics, sociology, politics and governance, more).
HBO evidently has a documentary coming out next Weds, 10/10 where they've "identified" Satoshi. We'll see.
I'll make my call right here:
  • It'll be one of the usual suspects, my guess is either Nick Szabo or Wei Dai. I'ld guess Szabo.
  • They'll offer up as "evidence" a document or email that has previously been unseen, something from early 2008, or even prior, referencing bitgold for Szabo or b-money for Dai.
  • And that will be essentially the crux of it. There won't be a transaction signed by Satoshi's keys.
  • I'll offer one wildcard prediction because it's fun. They might ID a science fiction author. I don't read sci-fi (maybe I should), but I understand that sci-fi authors almost always pre-write almost every innovation that's ever happened. I could see them referencing a bitcoinesque currency or idea in a sci-fi novel and them naming the author as Satoshi.
Got my popcorn ready! 🍿 (Now, if I only had HBO. 😃)
It will lead you on and say that it is all of us
Maybe the real Satoshi is the friends we made along the way
I like this.
I mean, it is all of us
This is very plausible. I could see an hour and 55 minutes if bitcoin backstory, running through all the possible people, then concluding with "we are all Satoshi" with "experts" explaining what that cliche means.
Yes that’s what I expect
I imagine Dorian saying something here like “Y’all better calm tf down or I’m raising the difficulty”.
Do most lay people know who Satoshi is lol
That's actually a good question. I've love to see a poll aimed at the general public, something like, "What is Satoshi Nakamoto best known for?" Or maybe a multiple choice "Who made bitcoin?"
I would predict that a majority of people in the west could associate Satoshi with Bitcoin, as the creator or inventor; but not much further. The origin story is so unique that people generally remember that part. It might be the only thing they know about it.
I think people could recall “Bitcoin” >50% if you said “what did Satoshi Nakamoto”, and maybe >40% could recall “Satoshi Nakamoto” if you asked “who make Bitcoin”.
I don't know. I kind of think it would be theater way around...if you asked a more open ended question like, "What did Satoshi make?" I'd be surprised if 20% had a bitcoinish answer. If you asked a more leading question like, "Who made bitcoin?" I'm going to guess >50% would say Satoshi if given multiple choice, but very few could offer a name from memory, like 10%.
And you know what? I've got a situation tomorrow where I might be able to actually ask these questions (or similar). Screw it, I just might do it!
Very interested in your data and results!
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @crrdlx OP 7h
I did the survey, results are here: #710977
My prediction: it will be revealed that we are all satoshi.
I have it on my calendar 9:00PM EDT.
Satoshi is dead. If you meet him on the road, kill him.
There was only ever an abstract pseudonym. It never was any person to identify, just a vision of a better software based money — one with greater transparency and integrity. One “they” couldn’t shut down. 140y monetary adventure.
We are all Satoshi. Nice try HBO.
Digging around, found the documenatary trailer. Looks like Adam Back is in it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iSF0KGsFuI8
Is Craig Wright the documentary producer? 😂
I’m pumped for this documentary. Any documentary that’s related to Bitcoin always piques my interest. Hopefully it’s a good one.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 22h
Whoops wrong date! It's Weds 10/9 (not the 10th).
How could it be Sassaman if Sassaman died in 2011, and Satoshi came back in 2014 only to post “I am not Dorian Nakamoto”?
Interesting. I didn't know the identity of the author of that post was credibly Satoshi, but it looks like it was.
We'll see what the documentary reveals.
if they do name LS I hope they do an excellent job and really honor his life and work
It is funny to imagine Nakamoto giving away his keys to prove himself. 🤣
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 22h
Gosh I am a sucker for this kind of stuff. Will definitely be watching this. Maybe if some stackers are down we can do a live watch party on SN.
🤔Wait does anyone know if it will be streaming live? Or just available to stream.
I think they may offer up Hal Finney, Adam Back or Len Sassaman!
Woah this plays right into some speculative thoughts I was having the other day:
An effective attack on bitcoins social consensus, I believe, would be to “identify” and prosecute Satoshi Nakamoto. Dragging the name through the mud on a very public alter.
As such, the exposure of Satoshi as its alleged creator threatens to raise some huge questions, not least his potential complicity in crimes that have featured Bitcoin use. It could also establish him as one of the world’s richest people: Satoshi himself is estimated to control about 1.1 million Bitcoin, but it's unclear if he still has access to the cryptographic keys to the fortune. If he did, this would put his net worth at $66 billion at current valuations.
(emphasis mine)
Somehow I missed the source that was cited by the "source" that I cited. Second hand information is such fun! Anyway, it's below.
To me, the article reads like a smart high schooler wrote it...somebody who can dig the internet, leverage AI, and come up with a plausible article on the HBO show. But, I'm not sure about how much the author truly knows about bitcoin.
We must do everything to protect our identity.
The documentary conclusion: Diddy is Satoshi and Bitcoin is for pedophile rappers.
166 sats \ 1 reply \ @teemupleb 22h
In some article it was mentioned that the revelation of Satoshi’s identity could even affect the presidential elections.
So my guess is: Diddy together with Trump.. with the help from some shadowy super coder.
Very, very good. 21/21.