I love brain science stuff in general, but am amazed at some of the cool stuff they've found in such a tiny little fly brain (and can only imagine what'll happen when they finally get this level of info about humans).
next level 2: please participate in our research! think simple thoughts for some time so that our academons can map your brain. next level 3: for a price of 1000 new vision credits, you may experience a life of a fly for 10 minutes thru our new vision goggles. earn 100 new vision credits for every additional minute. next level 4: bzzz bzzz. yum yum. bzzz bzzz.
This is pretty cool! A full mapping of a fly's brain... Some interesting experiments ahead... like this one.
Other researchers are already using the circuit diagrams, for example to work out why flies are so difficult to swat.
The vision circuits detect which direction your rolled up newspaper is coming from, and they pass on the signal to the fly's legs.
But crucially, they send a stronger jumping signal to the legs facing away from the object of their imminent demise. So you could say they jump away without even having to think – literally faster than the speed of thought.
This finding may explain why we lumbering humans seldom squash flies.
Ignore what comes after, just testing if the recently committed MathJax capability has already been released.