Thank you for sharing your situation, and in all honesty I send you strength to recover, and some SATS, I recently read that there is no more honest action than to Zap another person. (VxV) I hope you get better soon and fast.
On the other hand, I would like to take the opportunity to mention your work situation, the truth is that I will be quite surprised to read about the uncertainty you are in, considering that it sounds like you are someone, hard-working, intelligent, qualified and with good energy. Even with valuable ideals according to my criteria, if you are with the Republicans and not with the Democrats (disguised socialists and communists) you are one of the good ones. I am surprised by the uncertainty with which you carry out your work, taking into account that you live in the US. I am sorry, but from where I come from everyone believes that people in the US do not suffer needs or hardships, even for that reason many and many have gone even walking through the jungle, dying on the way or seeing their relatives and travel companions die. , just because of a false illusion sold by the propaganda that in the USA life will be wonderful, without problems and mainly counting on the government to help them. 🤯
Congress is an interesting place to say the least! We do not have near the protections that are standard for employment for instance there is not need for cause to be fired. Your boss could just walk in one day and decide ya know nope you are done and well that's it!
Now I do not hear about that being an issue very often but I have heard of it before. For those that work in other parts of the Federal Government typically once you hit I want to say 7 or 8 years and have continued to move up and perform well of course you become practically unfireable but for Congress, it is a different animal!
From what I remember read a couple of years ago Congressional Employees have the fewest protections of any sort of employment opportunity. Our HR for instance is often the same boss would who fire people sooooo we don't really have HR but if you work with good people and like I do the only uncertainty faced is in situations where the House could flip. On the Senate side, this isn't an issue because they divide the money evenly between the two parties but not in the House its a 70/30 split.