For roughly now the last two weeks it has felt like I can not catch a break. My body has been a complete and utter wreck since September 18 when I had a full blown seizure at work. Compounding the issues of the after effects of the seizure has been the god awful weather DC has had. Since the seizure we have had only one sunny day with it otherwise being cloudy/overcast and raining.
I have done all I can to keep myself together but damn. With what started as limited joints/body parts hurting has cascaded into everything hurts and shoulders, toes, and hips have begun to sublux on me. It has been a couple years now that it has been this bad to where getting out of bed, a chair, or taking a shower is a roll of the dice. I even got a rib or possibly two out of place now and it is driving me crazy.
Throw in the random idiots I have to deal with at work from the DOE, Admin, or some other office and hitting my head against a brick wall might actually help. Thank god I have good coworkers and now am in an office so I can just close the door and be left alone cause otherwise I might just explode.
Only two more weeks before I get out of DC and back to Texas for 13 days. Health wise in the 8 full business days I will be in town I have 7 physical therapy appointments to try and patch me up till December. I have really been doubling down on using all my time off/sick leave to get keep me sane.
The biggest kicker of all though has to be how I won’t know my employment status for January until possibly December. If the Republicans lose the House (we are currently in the Majority and thus have over double the staff of the Democrats because that’s just how Committees work) then there are going to be a lot of people without a job. Also because Republicans in there rules have term limits for Committee Chairman/Ranking Members my current boss is already going to change.
It is safe to say I am having a grand time with my broken ass body and a hell of a lot of questions about what next year holds for me. Sometimes especially in this situation stuff just sucks and all I can do is try and hold on for the physical relief from PT and wait even more for the mental health for my employment 🙃
It's darkest just before the dawn. Hang in there. I see a brighter future coming for you. Stick with us here in the wild west.
Thank you! The SN fam really has got to be the best online community out here. Rallying around each other and lending a hand when ya get knocked down. What else could you ask for ya know? It’s just perfect!
It's all blessings when we can zoom our enough.
I rely heavily on stackers to keep the faith. It's a special community.
I had a big seizure a couple years ago. It rocked my brain pretty hard. I think I have had small seizures all my life. But this one was crazy. I bit halfway through my tongue.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 3 Oct
I agree with you. This place just seems to attract nothing but pure class which in today’s world is so so unique.
Prior to my first grand mal that someone saw I had been diagnosed with partial brain seizures after I had a real bad concussion that resulted in 8 months of memory loss. I know my triggers and try my best to avoid them but something I’m just SOL and have to hope and pray I won’t set one off… I wasn’t so lucky this last time!
Geez though with yours I can’t imagine how awful that had to be! I’ve always been concerned about biting my tongue or having one and knocking something off of a table or shelf onto myself but man biting your tongue that bad…. Jesus! Does make for a unique story!
My father had many seizures in his life. And eventually lost his short term memory almost entirely. And I believe it kept him here longer. Mine was isolated..came the day after I had anesthesia for the first time. I'm very sensitive. I learned a lot through it. I feel it was a blessing in disguise. Helped me change my life in positive ways.
Take some time off SN and just go rest and heal.
I’m a little odd in that given my pain and just there not being many ways to address it at the moment SN serves as a great distraction! I learn a lot about stuff I care for, enjoy the company, and meet all sorts of new people!
The fact that your keeping a positive attitude throughout all of this, means your a warrior.
Our character is defined in times of stress and turmoil, seems like your handling it admirably.
Keep fighting the good fight sir, and know that an army of freaks have your back.
I try my best! Tonight def is one where I am taking an L in the daily battle since it is 2:09 AM and I am wide awake in pain but bam I just hop on SN and get to vent and cut it up with people which is a huge win! Yall are an army of unique and highly qualified individuals across an array of things!
120 sats \ 1 reply \ @ET_AI 3 Oct
this too, shall pass
Thanks for the support! Means more than you think!
120 sats \ 1 reply \ @anna 3 Oct
The body is a reflection of the mind. And our minds love to dwell in the past and the future. Find ways to stay present in the body even if there’s pain. Find ways you can find just 1% more comfort in the body. You got this!
Thank you!!! That is exactly why I love SN as it gives me a distraction to tune out or at least dial back the pain!
Hang in there. You're doing good work. Hope things get less stressful at work
Thank you! I hope so and think they will I just gotta get out of this city cause I’m a Texas boy and this is what I imagine hell being lol only a couple more weeks till back home for a bit!
Lucky you have the SN community here to listen
SN community is all I need! I got people here who are always cheering me on and encouraging me as well as a sworn enemy lol!
Thank you for sharing your situation, and in all honesty I send you strength to recover, and some SATS, I recently read that there is no more honest action than to Zap another person. (VxV) I hope you get better soon and fast.
On the other hand, I would like to take the opportunity to mention your work situation, the truth is that I will be quite surprised to read about the uncertainty you are in, considering that it sounds like you are someone, hard-working, intelligent, qualified and with good energy. Even with valuable ideals according to my criteria, if you are with the Republicans and not with the Democrats (disguised socialists and communists) you are one of the good ones. I am surprised by the uncertainty with which you carry out your work, taking into account that you live in the US. I am sorry, but from where I come from everyone believes that people in the US do not suffer needs or hardships, even for that reason many and many have gone even walking through the jungle, dying on the way or seeing their relatives and travel companions die. , just because of a false illusion sold by the propaganda that in the USA life will be wonderful, without problems and mainly counting on the government to help them. 🤯
Congress is an interesting place to say the least! We do not have near the protections that are standard for employment for instance there is not need for cause to be fired. Your boss could just walk in one day and decide ya know nope you are done and well that's it!
Now I do not hear about that being an issue very often but I have heard of it before. For those that work in other parts of the Federal Government typically once you hit I want to say 7 or 8 years and have continued to move up and perform well of course you become practically unfireable but for Congress, it is a different animal!
From what I remember read a couple of years ago Congressional Employees have the fewest protections of any sort of employment opportunity. Our HR for instance is often the same boss would who fire people sooooo we don't really have HR but if you work with good people and like I do the only uncertainty faced is in situations where the House could flip. On the Senate side, this isn't an issue because they divide the money evenly between the two parties but not in the House its a 70/30 split.
Hoping your weeks get better.
Just curious - have you researched at all about the keto/carnivore diet, in relation to seizures? It was the only treatment for epilepsy more than 100 years ago.
I don't know much about keto in relation to seizures/epilepsy personally, but I just listened to a podcast with a woman whose child had epilepsy. She was told to put her child on all kinds of different drugs, with many different side effects.
She found keto (or maybe it was carnivore) through online groups, it was very effective for her child, and she was very angry at the doctors for not telling her about this treatment.
Hmm I have not heard about those diets being helpful in treatment but I will have to look into it! How we fuel our bodies is such a critical thing that most people never think about. If you only eat crap you are going to feel like and operate like something that has done that. Eating healthier and fueling your body correctly is a huge thing!
I'm sorry to hear about all you're going through! Hang in there, my friend. I know you're a strong guy since your posts in the past week or two didn't reflect your pain, and you kept your sense of humor. I've spent many years in DC. Both the weather and the general atmosphere can be oppressive under any circumstances. I'm sure getting back home to Texas will be a relief. You can enjoy Squawk Box each morning right until seeing Cramer's mug tells you it's time to turn off the TV.
Thank you for the support and you are exactly right! DC’s weather has been I’d say extra wonky just because it looks like it should be end of Nov/Dec looks wise then you walk out and it’s 72/73 with high humidity 😒
Getting out of the chaos is going to be so so nice even for just 13 days! It would be different if there was a direction or some certainty and the best we got is Congress might have to come back into session the next couple of weeks to pass disaster funding cause they are already in the red and recovery efforts from Helen are just starting.
I used to really love Cramer 😂 my dad hatedddddd how big of a fan I was then I actually did some trading and went… alrighty wtf is going on here 😂
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @fm 3 Oct
Seam you need a bit of the old devils lettuce to aliviate both body and mind...
So only would this happen to me with all my medical issues but it turns out I am allergic... I did not even know that was possible but welp here I am allergic to it
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 3 Oct
Damn.. that doesnt sound good. Have you tried drops? Or gummies?
So growing up I was allergic to really anything that was green and grew outside. I did allergy shots for 15 years to get it under control. I have done drops, vape, and just been around smoke and for all of them I feel the good ol throat swelling
Bro. You work for a member of the Republican caucus in the house. The most ineffective and most traitorous group of people the US house has ever seen! No one should feel bad for you!
Uhh quick little history reminder but 1861 called and wanted to remind you not to make well idiotic comments… kinda think a Civil War is easily the most traitorous thing.
For what it’s worth to I don’t work for a far right Member hence the reason my boss is a Chairman and actually is like my the Democrats for helping get the Chips and Science Act passed into law 🤷🏼‍♂️
Ya took some big swing but had some even bigger misses and ended up with nothing to show but a lack of critical thinking skills and a failure in understanding basic US history… I feel bad for you :(
Oh and stop acting like Darth that’s not a good look for you either 😂
that sucks man, do you have a diagnosis for what's causing the seizures?
So I had two bad concussions in high school and the second one I had to be briefly hospitalized and lost 8 months of memory. It was after this that the partial brain seizures started so that is the likely cause.
that's crazy, 8 months of memory loss sounds devastating. does anti-seizure medication help at all?
Yeah I am on Keppra and it definitely helps me manage! There are just some times were really it is out of my control.
well, it's not much, but i wish you the best man and hope your job stays stable
Thanks man! Not everyone has responded kindly to this post or my job even...
I gotta say it always blows me away how people will just judge someone with out knowing them and even worse wish bad things to happen to a complete stranger... I wish I could respond to the message and say hey at least say who you are and don't hide. Say what you want to say with your chest!
well you know how politics is, rips families apart and in the end , not much changes.
true true esp with how people are acting now aday I mean it is just wild