Maybe I should have bailed to El Salvador the day after they adopted Bitcoin, maybe I'll do it later, and maybe that might be too late, we won't know that yet anyway!
What I do believe is real there
I do totally believe that the gangs have been taken off the streets permanently, that they've managed to miraculously set up a platform for future, quite secure growth, and that without triggering any of the economic hitmen. At least for now!
Also I do believe that there will be lots of opportunities there, but at what risk?
What I wonder about...
  • Opportunity cost. How much would it cost me to stay for say a few months? There are very few postings for cheap hotels compared to other countries, so how hard would it be to find very affordable lodgings long term? Is it possible to locate this before arriving?
  • Ease of business. How easy is it to set up a company, a tiny business, and/or to connect with others in a meaningful way? How is the offline, real world business and administrative environment?
  • Low hanging fruits. As an example I'd definitely just go if I knew that there was a super hot market for remote work, or things like getting a deal on setting up branches for a company elsewhere. Even if I'd never relocate there are many things that can make it worth the investment, maybe even just content!
  • Acceptance of Bitcoin culture. Although Bitcoin is legal tender, is it accepted in general terms, or is there hidden "friction" or resistance? If this is the case, would I be able to even detect it in a shorter timespan?
  • Freedom of speech. One thing I wonder about is why is there not a lot of content out there? Are there not so visible limitations that few will even mention? Coming out of the nightmare that the gang hegemony was there might be a tendency to not want anything published around sensitive questions, which anyone relocating will pick up on right away...
  • Long term viability for plebs. If I'd ever had the 3 Bitcoin lying around for residency I for sure would have gotten it. As someone who has to work my way through the coming years I'd like to know how viable a future would there would be, be it as base, area of focus or even full on relocation. How welcoming is it now, and in the future for Bitcoin plebs?
Building on Bitcoin
Now I do fully understand that there are a lot of moving parts in all of this, and that it is all being created each day. Maybe it would even defeat the purpose to set up some coordinated campaign, but still I wonder, why is there not a lot of content out there?
Might it be that its mostly whales and insiders that are really welcome? Or might it even be that the country is still quite rough, tough and not ready to really build on a pleb army... Maybe that will never be the case, of course, but I sure hope it will!
There are a few really good articles touching on this stuff already posted on SN. Here's a fairly recent one: #571274
Here is another: #161607
As a rebel nomad, you may just have to take a chance on a short trip. Then you can tell us!
I'll do a shortish trip of a few months for sure if the bull market cycle works out as most of us think it will!
But if not taking a chance won't cut it, way to high expense. Would need to build up income that matches my expenses first in that case, which this is all a part of :-)
Thanks for the links, will check!
I'm intentionally ignorant with this post, I'm interested in how information flows and why I'm not seeing these things kinda "as served" if that makes any sense...
I am curious but have never taken the trip. I'm not a nomad, but the general sense I get is that adoption is limited, and the locals have made it a point to keep the prices high for all the rich bitcoin bros who have been seeking to take advantage of the situation. There seems to be some understandable resentment that foreigners want to buy up their country.
Could easily see that as a challenge, yes...
I do not speak Spanish, but if I did I'd probably bail there to literally live like a peasant, I cannot stand consumerism and designer ghettos anyway!
My experience here in Asia and from driving old Mercedes campers all over Europe is that there are often cheaper options if you blend in, signalling clearly that you're not stinking rich haha
Sounds like the way to go if you try it.
Proof of will or something haha...
At this point I'd be willing to take on close to any job anywhere to make sats so that I can protect what I have!
But then of course if I can make it on my own as a Rebel Nomad here & elsewhere that will be even better :-)
Now I'll just have to get out of this jurisdiction with its pesky ban on promoting Bitcoin.........
You're in Asia?
That information is secret, but yes! ;-)
Literally everything here is changing in fundamental ways, and because my wife won't leave her parents its a bit complicated getting into Bitcoin for real...
Might ditch the permanent visa and just visit less than 180 days a year classified as a tourist from next year on, that all depends on how things develop!
When I first read the title I thought it was the 1931 starvation in Ukraine
I guess that is the opposite end of some scale of sorts...!