TLDR; SN still has about 1100 active stacking users like two years ago, but total sats stacked per month has doubled to 0.1 Bitcoin. Even more impressive when realize value of Bitcoin has quadrupled since 2022.
In my last post, @k00b challenged me to “read the analytics.” Joke’s on him - I called his bluff! #712073
Looking at the 2022 Stacker News pitch deck every month had about a thousand users earning sats, and those users earned about 5 million sats total.
Two years later by September 2024 where are we at? Well @k00b has a fantastic open source analytics tool to let me don’t trust, verify!
Ultimately we’re still where we’re at two years ago with about 1,100 users earning sats in any given month. The big win here though is me using the word “we.” I’ve only been around just over a week (thanks to @grayruby referral) and I already feel like a cowboy! So while user growth is flat, it’s a testament to the resilience of the SN idea that this site hasn’t died.
Actually, we’ve DOUBLED in sats earned with user count constant. Now a whole 0.1 Bitcoin is earned by users every month! And the $USD value of Bitcoin now ($64k) has QUADRUPLED since then ($16k) so that makes it even more impressive!
But forget More like, WTF happened to SN Rewards in March 2024?!
Thank you @k00b for being on the bleeding edge of lightning!
Great post. It's surprising to me that the number of stackers has stayed stagnant like this.
I expect that will change at some point though. Cool to think that while some of us missed the boat on being Bitcoin OGs, we can someday consider ourselves OCs (original cowboys)
If you’re here today, your an Original Cowboy in my book, pardner 🤠
Like I said, it’s great it’s survived despite turnover and attrition! The enthusiasts who come and go, versus are in it for the community.
One of us. One of us.
1352 sats \ 14 replies \ @k00b 7 Oct
Imo The biggest mistake we made was back in march when we capped rewards to the top 100. Someone getting even a few sats for the first time gives them some hope they’ll learn how to earn more.
TheWildHustle is still recovering from million sat madness.
Loved the experimentation, but left out new users for sure.
Why are you still recovering? What happened? What was it like? Were you one of the 100 few to earn rewards??
Was constantly checking the leaderboard, completely absorbed my days.
It was a fun competition, I'm pretty competitive.
Be. More. Funny. 🤣
Yea I mean leaderboard did its job sounds like! How high did u get?
The bag was secured.
Heck yea #49!
Zapped to 1337 for a 1337 comment
You sir are 1337!
Hit you with the BLUE lightning bolt!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 7 Oct
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @Taft 7 Oct
The biggest mistake we made was back in march when we capped rewards to the top 100.
@k00b, if it was a mistake, why hasn't it been reverted to its previous state before March?
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 7 Oct
Because talking isn’t as easy as doing, you know?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Taft 7 Oct
Yes, I know. This means it's difficult to do it. I thought it was a choice leaving as it is now.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 7 Oct
It's just not trivial and we have other things to do that have higher priority.
False hope is the key to get the kids hooked 🤣
I’m glad u put it back. My first week I was #115 and felt great to get sats instead of nothing. The next week I was #15! Look ma, I’m moving up in the world!
AKA the meme, hi, I just discovered SN, and I’m here to fix it 😅
Goes to show social media is extremely hard to penetrate.
To the 1,100 stackers it’s been fun! Let’s keep the circle jerk alive until we hit 1sat = 1 cent parity!
Network effects are very real! This is how I know Bitcoin will win. This is why I don’t know if Nostr will.
I’ve heard it often that to get people to “switch” from one thing to another, it’s not enough for Stacker News to be twice as good as /r/bitcoin. It needs to be at least 10x as good!
Luckily Bitcoin is 1000x better than fiat.
imo SN is way better than nostr. nostr, at least right now, is an interesting idea but an empty shell. It's just random pictures and 'hey look at my breakfast' pictures. It's a total waste of time and generally devoid of substance imo... where I feel that SN is generally the opposite.
Reddit is similar to SN... but SN has a higher barrier to entry requiring actual zaps.
Ha! Yea I never thought of it that way. As opposed to being free, SN costs money.
But ever since @grayruby started me with 1000 referral sats I’ve been off to the races! I can see tho how it would be a barrier to entry.
So are you creating a “muh breakfast” territory? ~breakfast
Yeah with no algos it’s hard to find things that engaging. Plus people you want to see notes from her buried. It has a long way to go but also remember nostr is more than just a twitter clone. One thing that is working great with nostr is Nostr Wallet Connect
It's a really interesting idea... however right now IMO it's kinda aimless. 1 or 2 lines of text about a random pleb's breakfast isn't interesting to me - it doesn't relate to the things I'm interested in.
I honestly don't know why people are pushing it so much. SN way better overall
It’s all about chasing clout and follower count. Of course, we on SN know that tracking follower count is a shitcoin.
SN just doesn’t hit the same. Days of cowboy hat is a participation trophy. Sats stacked can be bought by just donating and getting rewards back.
But the lie you tell your ego that THOUSANDS of people are hanging on your every note or tweet? That’s a feeling SN can’t buy.
Anyways, cheers to the real cowboys who care about meaningful connection over empty clickbait. 🤠
I like SN I feel it has a lot of substance. Nostr at the present time doesn't really. Nostr is... like 2 lines without any context and no substance around it for the most part. It's a quantity over quality issue.
There are some interesting insights but honestly I'm not sure that Nostr will make it without some other kinds of features. Payjoins, coinjoins something tangible. SN is quality over quantity imo and that's why I'm here
Takes over 280 characters to provide quality.
But, like, I can't make any sats on r/bitcoin...
100 sats to you, cowboy 🤠
Is the LN tip bot no longer around?
I’ve seen it in some telegram groups. Is it on SN?
No, it was a thing on reddit
Man I first heard of Reddit in like 2010 I think. Look how long it took before got traction. Same with twitch for remember twitch back in like 2007 before e girls were even a thing.
Besides if it’s just us then let it ride!! Let’s enjoy while we can!
/r/bitcoin is shit now and filled with bots
I only spent a little time browsing there. Once I got a Twitter I was hooked and never looked back!
That is, until I found Stacker News!🫡
Yes, seems like people are stacking sats. @k00b, would it make a difference if you didnt fund the leadership board? Just curious.
85 sats \ 16 replies \ @k00b 7 Oct
Of course
How much of a difference?
110 sats \ 14 replies \ @k00b 7 Oct
100k sats per day difference
I mean, the participation. Do you think if you didnt add 100k for a week, all the assmilkers would disappear? lol
72 sats \ 12 replies \ @k00b 7 Oct
Yes but so would many of the regulars
Not I!
That’s the spirit, cowboy!🤠
What if you lowered it to 50k? Do you really think the regulars would leave?
it's honestly pretty crazy how many sats you can make here for just engaging. posting on nostr - nobody sees it and maybe 50 sats a week, fountain is cool, but again, not much, but stacker news is 100% where it's at
unlike with reddit moons, you get something that isn't a shitcoin, in your wallet and the spam levels are negligible
None of it is a good way to make money, but you’re right SN is great!
Fountain used to pay out much more, but it was never sustainable. Once the user growth went up, relied on users to contribute their own funds.
Carrot as well for reading Bitcoin Magazine articles used to pay out a lot! Then that got nerf’d.
SN works cuz it’s supported by the users! Then again @k00b is single-handedly donating 100k sats to the rewards pool daily. But at least it’s transparent! No centralized hidden tricks. I appreciate that.
One day I expect costs to start territories to go up.
yeah, SN is just a good place overall with sats being a nice bonus, i didn't know you used to be able to get sats for reading bitcoin magazine though
U still can on Bitcoin Magazine app
bro, i didnt even know they had an app. I've been reading online like a mook this whole time lol
Ha! I only knew because I’m a Bitcoin magazine contributor
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @OT 7 Oct
It will be interesting if SN gets a big wave if people coming in with the next bull run. It will be the first bull run right? When did SN start?
I mean SN didn’t REALLY starts until you joined, right @OT? 🤣
I think yes it started in June 2021 based on the slide deck.
But it’ll be 2026 when we get cooking. It’s not the new ppl who come with the bull, it’s the people who stay to pal around in the bear market. Those are the ones who will die on the SN hill
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 7 Oct
Right, but it will be interesting to see how things change during a raging bull market. Like will SN get an increasing amount of spammers? Or will we double the territories?
This kind of stuff. Anyway, I'll be here posting and commenting as usual.
I look forward to your analysis.
Just burn 0.01 bitcoin spamming new territories.
_W) _H) _A) _T)
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @yoshi 7 Oct
I know the end goal is much larger adoption of SN. But having it feel like a little corner of the internet yet to be discovered feels very 90’s and pretty cool.
This meme is so good!!
Some OG’s on here already feel like SN isn’t as good as it used to be lmao.
Luckily I just discovered SN… and I’m here to fix it 🤣🤣
Jkjk I’m enjoying!
Million Sats Madness in March. Daily rewards were replaced by a monthly reward, hence no rewards followed by a huge spike.
I also regularly check in on SN analytics.
Wow! Whats that! I better stick around at least through March 😅
A million sats is no small amount. Why did it switch to a monthly reward? What is it?
It was intended to be a fun experiment, but may have been more of a virtual Hunger Games.
Omg tell me more!
It was pretty controversial and a lot of people who had been regulars left SN.
The stackers who participated were really stressing over moving up the leader board, because there were such big differences in rewards at each rank. It was an interesting experiment, but not as fun as normal SN.
Best thing going. I’ve been pushing my referral code out and have had one come in but still working on it.
Any tips to get more sign ups?
Genuine user interaction on ~nostr. That’s how I recruited @bitcoin_pup! That’s how @grayruby lasso’s me
Beautiful 😻