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That practice allowed the city to circumvent a state law that caps revenue from speeding fines at 35 percent of a police department’s budget. After the DPS audited the city, it discovered Lenox generated nearly 40 percent from speeding citations last year.
This infuriates me.
I see Over speeding fines are a big game there. People say Indian police are corrupt but I've never been fined for over speeding. When they see a girl overspeeding they just don't fine.
"After the DPS audited the city, it discovered Lenox generated nearly 40 percent from speeding citations last year." Are you joking me? How crooked is this, just to fund their own bonuses! Imagine how many people they would need to pull over! I would be livid!
Yesterday's Last Week Tonight was on the topic of Traffic Stops. Some pretty infuriating stuff too with a high level of government overreach. Trigger warning in case John Oliver's political views are not your cup of tea ;)
Getting to a level where people must hijack the system. Are there nk protests against it?
Imagine that! The local city government wants to collect as much as they can, probably because they have reach the tolerable limit for property taxes. You know, make everyone pay those fees and fines, right through the nose. It makes me wonder if they are not also applying asset forfeiture on these stops whenever they can. Yessiree, it sure feels good living in the land of the free. Just what are the locals doing to disarm the highway robbers?
What are people supposed to do about this sort of thing?
The only thing that comes to mind is voting with your feet, unless you can give up driving.
You don't have to stop driving, just slow down to a speed limit. Use waze and mark the location to warn others... It is a cash cow for them, don't give them the satisfaction, it will cost you 5-10 min of your trip. Just saying....
Except that you have no proof that you weren't speeding or committing some other traffic violation. If they're targeting people for revenue, then it's not about public safety or the truth.
In the old days it was the other way around, they had to prove you were speeding (hence radars and stuff)... lol One day they will piss of the wrong group and it will be over, clear rocket. Shameful. It probably never was about the safety anyway, mafia in uniforms.