No. Never tell to the bank what you gonna do with your money. Invent whatever any other reason / destination. Will be interesting to see if they will give it to you in cash.
You should watch this nice spanish movie (EN subs) El concursante about a guy that won a lottery but the bank is not giving him cash, but a lot of "credit" to spend. Very good movie.
BTW, be aware, when you go to a bank for a loan, in the moment you sign the papers, that credit was already sold as a debt to others, so you actually pay for a debt that it doesn't exist anymore. I know a case when the guy, get back to the bank and send them an official letter to prove the source of the money in their balance sheets from where they gave him that loan and what was the damage done if he will not pay it back.
After some letters fight back and forth, the guy won and never paid back the loan. I will look into finding the video, is quite old, where the guy explained all the story. In other words, they literally create new fictitious money with your signature.