You absurdly conflate my recognition of Chinas growing economic and strategic strength with my being a supporter of China. To recognise the threat that is represented by a rising nation does not mean one supports that rising nation. It simply means one is prepared to deal with reality rather than hiude from it. You in denying the threat actually do endanger your own defense if you believe your western values are superior to those of China which I assume, from your comments so far that you do. I would consider myself slightly in favour of the western culture while recognising this is largely due to my being raised in the west. I wager you have little or zero knowledge of The Opium Wars. I live in New Zealand, not China or USA. I do not see China as necessarily 'better' or 'worse' than the west but simply as a real and imminent challenge to the west. So you fail again to respond to any of the facts and issues raised in my comment- instead diverting to irrelevant evasions of the facts and issues. As a Bitcoiner you demonstrate a dangerous lack of awareness of this issue as it does relate to Bitcoin and in an echo chamber of Bitcoiners you are likely to receive strong reinforcement for your denial of reality- but I am here to deliver some much needed balance to the narrative. Yes I am a Bitcoiner since 2017 and do not see any of my views as inconsistent with that- being a Bitcoiner does not mean you must believe only what infers price go up including much of the misguided and naive Libertarian nonsense frequently spouted as gospel on this platform.. I hod Bitcoin on principle and because the bankers have come to threaten our freedoms and democracy in the west and I want to be part of an alternative. None of that is inconsistent with recognising the challenge Chinas rise poses to the liberal democratic west...and yes the rise of China does also pose a probable threat to Bitcoin- but you would prefer to dismiss and ignore that.
No I offered counter points to your thoughts on China. I often like to remind people China has blunders as well.
From economics to culture they are massively flawed just like the west. The fact they rely on foreign oil and the western market to sell their goods puts them in a bind.
True they are still dependent upon importing fuel but they are developing their own energy production and efficiency at a rate not matched by any other nation. And yes they supply western markets with manufactured goods- they actually supply global markets with manufactured goods...because everyone wants the best value for money and China produces it. Now with Iran and Russia fully reliant upon China for sales of their oil and gas China is in a solid position and it is expected China will be less and less reliant upon imported fuel as its vehicle fleet is increasingly electrified. The truth is commodities producers and all nations are reliant upon Chinas economy to buy their exports and provide them with the best value manufactured goods. China has won the trade war and continues to improve its position of ever growing trade surpluses and global trade dominance while the west led by USA declines into greater and greater decadence, debt and dependency, upon China..