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This also highlights something that I have recently run across: some environmentalists are pushing back on cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. As confusing as it sounds there are unique ecosystems that have formed in this area and there is a concern of doing more damage to the environment trying to clean them up over leaving them be.
An idea gaining more momentum is to just try and prevent the plastic from entering the waterways with a focus on rivers since they are a huge source.
some environmentalists are pushing back on cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
That's interesting. Do you have some references on this that I could read up on?
Of course they would push back. It is what keeps them going. If you were to remediate these kinds of problems, they would have less to bellyache about. You would be taking their rice bowl away.
There is a pretty good Youtube video that triggered me looking into this more let me find it for you!
Here it is the comments start at the 2:25 point!
Just watched it. Great video... almost deserving of its own post ;)
I guessed correctly before she said it that it's the oil-producing countries that are against reduction of plastic production... They have the money to lobby hard, so that's gonna be a difficult fight.
It is a fascinating issue and one I have actually been working on... attempting to put together an advanced recycling R&D bill but it isn't something that would move this Congress and would be something for next year.
Wishing you the best in passing it...
Lol yeahhhhhh luckily the only part of it in my jurisdiction is the science behind it so R&D is easier to pass esp. when you add in things like agriculture feed stocks it gets the Republicans more behind it