I'm WAY into Halloween.

Before you're like, "this is in the wrong territory," just check yourself and gimme a minute. Rome wasn't built in a day."
I've been giving out full size candy bars for years, partly to compete with my neighbors insane outdoor decorations, but mostly to make sure I have an audience the year when I actually hire one of my pro keyboard player buddies to sit in my foyer and play some monophonic synth along with this puppy:
Chill out territory nazis, we're getting there.
It's a reed organ, which is already spooky enough by itself. However, the top octave has hammered (like a piano) tines! It's about as creepy as you could ever ask for. It can also be pretty, and I use it for Christmas too, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. I played it last year and I'm ok on keys (main axe is trombone), but I work with some keyboard players that can melt your face. This may be the year to cash in on all those years of giving out full size candy bars.
Bitcoin time. Territory nazis rejoice.
Anyway, Bitcoin is kind of like that kid with a summer birthday, so I want to make sure to celebrate it this Halloween while I've got the neighborhood's attention. So, I would like to present to everyone here snickerbar.me. It's a fork of cash.me that makes cashus en masse for beggar's night!

All of these nuts are waiting to be cracked!

...except the one that I did individually before adding the bulk processing and the one that was actually cut out to pass out to trick or treaters. The rest of them are mostly one sat, but I'm sure you guys can look at the token and figure out which ones aren't like the others.
Thanks @BlokchainB for dropping nuts every day in the saloon. This is what made me curious about cashu in the first place, which I'm just so into right now. I had heard of it, but didn't get the use case until after seeing a few days of those drops.
I might refine this and address some bugs if other folks want to use it at their place. Lemme know. I may also make a non-halloween version if people think they might use this in other settings.
For those waiting for me to fix the glitch that wasn't showing the amount of sats in each nut, it is finished! The token tickets should look a lot better now and let people know how many sats they're actually holding when you distribute.
PLEASE know that it's still super buggy in general. Use at your own risk.
2048 sats \ 1 reply \ @BlokchainB 10 Oct
This is fantastic!! Glad I can be an inspiration! The cool thing about nutting 🌰 is you can check to see if they claimed it. If they don’t you can sweep it back to your wallet!
Yeah, there are so many things that make it just so convenient and efficient. It actually reminds me that I might need to pass out a PSA with them about the difference between custodial and self-custodial funds though.
93 sats \ 1 reply \ @Golu 10 Oct
Cool Idea! Bookmarked it and I'll ask for these on a festival here in India.
Cool! Let me know if you want me to try to customize it for the festival!
NUTS idea! Best wishes! Halloween is a great festigial there. It's quite the same like we having Ramleela in India.
Tell me more! That sounds fun! Is this the festival you were talking about @Golu?
117 sats \ 8 replies \ @ek 10 Oct
Cool idea! I’ll save myself some time and assume these nuts in the pictures have already been sniped by you or somebody else.
image stolen from @zapsammy
Of all the nuts in those pictures, the only two I cashed in were the one that cut out and the one that’s a full page. The rest are for the scavengers on sn and nostr (although I think my cross posting failed so maybe just here).
Now are they worth your time? That’s a different story. My goal with this is similar to what I believe @BlokchainB is going for: curiosity. I’m hoping some parents are going to have a eureka moment when they’re helping their kids go through their stash this year. There are also enough deadbeat parents in my neighborhood that I hope some kids even figure it out themselves… I’ll keep you posted.
The only one I could scan (the image resolution isn't great) was the full page one, but it decodes to "ur:bytes/1033-21/lpcfaaa...", which cashu.me doesn't recognize. I must be doing something wrong.
Here's a few from the "printed" pdf. It looks like some of these haven't been harvested yet. To reiterate, there is no serious amount of money in any of these. Most are literally 1 sat. But yeah, I hope cashu ends up being something you can do. It seems to be the fastest and easiest way to send ecash, albeit not secure.
H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEBkMWU4YjE0Yjc2MmRhNTc5NTY 0NjE1NTFlZTcyYzY5N2ZkNTgyYTk5NGNi NzY0YTM4NjMwYjM5OTQ3M2EzMDg0Y WNYIQOi0ZMBKrSf0hV6ScQrERk9sWbcV qcl5Zy3Hoz0JGW42w H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEAzMjM3YmZlMjM5ODkzMGYyNm ZlYTJkZDBhYWU3NjdhMDg4MmJhZDNm NTY1MTBmYzZiYzVhMzc2ZGQxNjY5NTk 2YWNYIQKwP-ohJof7M9wJgbq0dJ-fhXB m0EnOvIj39njvB8kfBA H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEBkODA3YmQwNWFiN2Y0YjFhNGRj YWExYjBmNzQ2Y2I5ZGM3ZjQ2ZjM3ZTk xYTkxMmEzNDM4MzE1ZGVjZGE4MDVjY WNYIQLLFXBbcV659XlwraFVhWd006suc HHHJndJZ2RZDL__JA H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEBiYjAzMDBkNjIyYzJlYzY3ZmYxMT VlNjAwYjJlYTgwMmE1NGQyNTc0MmM1 MjlhNGJmMDlkM2IxY2JmMjc4NjhiYWNY IQNTPMt0U1t08tQN6XautGmsQYsbcz6jD NRJFKlOKvAmEQ H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEAwM2RiNTY1ZTY3N2ViOTYxNDI1 MzFhZmYwMzRlM2U3ODYzM2ZmMDVm YWI4MDhkZjIzODVmNWJhM2JiMDlkZjYz YWNYIQKJLE4ZWX2VO9Ka5tUxWeIH1d0 OhzxUMEgGMYKUC5nSOQ H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCEo2FhA WFzeEBjNGU4YzhhMWFmYjA1N2ZkNWN mYzhkNDg0MDc2Y2NhNGZhNzc3ZjdiM2 JkMjFlZDNjYTY1ZmE3MzRiODlhZjNkYW NYIQKPHMOBd6JxnyZCig3mTJAphtYnci EVIlfMfFcgEaMRjKNhYQRhc3hAM2U1YjE wMzFmNzZiYWFkYTc1Y2RjYzFmYTY4ZT UwZmJlNGZjOGQ5ZTQ1ZmJmZjNkMzM3 ZWJlMGNiN2UyODExNmFjWCEDGyGHr2 QKFv_rv_Kw2RlgRg43NkA4D5w94YlmB5- ATwGjYWEIYXN4QDFkNDNmYzdmZjQyN WIwY2MzY2NmOTc3ZDlmN2JkZjNmMDd iOWY0YWY5MTQ1YzFkMzdiMWVlNGIzM 2FkZjAwODNhY1ghAwRXTV79OzD1JbGr 7a8B-HMme2_q_CoN1hnBGMynXhD4o2F hEGFzeEA5OTlkMGI4NjVhOGI0ZWQxNm Q3NzAwYjk2MDNmMzI1OTY0YTMzM2Y 0MTJhNTkxNDVhNzMyMDY0ODQyYmI0Y 2MxYWNYIQLj2wv3I8YSEm7ty3du172tJQ 0qPpx4gjBw9jFPUJIbBg H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEAyYjBmYWE1YTVmMGE5YTUzND dhOTdlM2QzODY4OGE3Nzc4NWZjNjVmY mU0NmFlYzExZTJjMTdjYmJkYjcxY2VkY WNYIQPualjKAte-25odwa3-B7RJj10QwV 8pNyBkrZxxhQXvMg H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEA5YzMwZjA1OGY0MTAyMDVhM2 Q5NDRjMDg1MzU0OTgwMDIxOTlhMmJj OTQ1ZDRhNzk5YmM5Y2QzNDQ4OTkxZG JhYWNYIQIDY4DYlr7lxbei32N7EA-kQyjLa eb2eTJqW_4x3CrKXQ H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEBhNTNhYjU1ZGRjZGI3OTQ2MTczZ mJkZmRkZmU0MmE5NDE1ZDI4M2M4M zlhZjNmZDZjOTBjNGE4MjBlZTRiMzI4YW NYIQMsrgPHf70y8wwP6Gt8KYskPzHnZo 8oMvjYoTU11LFlgg H a p p y H a l l o w e e n ! This one's for the parents. Go to cashu.me and scan this QR code for sat of real bitcoin. cashuBo2FteCJodHRwczovL21pbnQubWl uaWJpdHMuY2FzaC9CaXRjb2luYXVjc2F0 YXSBomFpSABQBVDwSUFGYXCBo2FhA WFzeEA2MWM4NzkyN2FjZTJmYTM1Mj M3NmUxMGEyNDNhYjllOWY2M2JjYzRm NmJlYmFjM2M4MGI0MWUxMGYwNzdm N2IzYWNYIQKX-boUv9wXe7mecMRXS0
Here's one from me:
Snagged it! Dropping the hot potato below.
1 sat \ 1 reply \ @ek 10 Oct
Does it always decode to that?
The large one, yes.
I was now able to get three from the first sheet of small ones by manually increasing contrast, they all decoded to "cashu...". Thanks!
I’m assuming you printed these yourself and not with a service?
I’d be interested in printing these on professional quality card stock but not sure how to do that in a secure fashion
I made them with this abominable Frankenstein version of cash.me that I forked and then mutilated on my experimenting table. Instead of one token, you can make ten at a time with different amounts. They all are Halloween colors and have the message you see in the pics.
When I first started, they actually originally also said how many sats each token was worth right on those little cards. You can see in the text in the pics that I messed that up again somewhere along the way. It’s all a work in progress, but I feel pretty encouraged based on how this post has been received and may even deploy it so you don’t have to worry about running any of the software yourself.
Awesome idea
Love the idea! Just be careful giving out of your home address as people may know you are a bitcoiner by doing this.
We need alot more of this!!!! I don't get trick or treaters where I live or else I would be doing this! :D
Thanks for the kind words and, yeah, thanks for looking out too! I intend to make an ADT style sign explaining multi-sig soon. I feel like there’s a serious opportunity in that not just for security, but back-handed orange pilling too.
Are you serious about the ADT style multi-sig signage? Would love to hear more about the it when you get it up.
I bought some fake (but very realistic looking) ADT signage for a previous house. Lots of houses in the neighborhood were broken into, we weren't, I like to think it was the fake signage.
I am! @dagny761 posted this a little bit ago in anticipation to the election and a bunch of stackers wrote, "but also make sure everyone knows that you're going to shoot them when they come for your bitcoin." I'm unfairly hyperbolizing those responses, but the point is, I think it's classier (and also more effective) to flaunt my multi-sig than my weapons. All this to say, yes, this is on my real to-do list (unless somebody else makes one I can use first).
Looking forward to hearing more. I think advertising that your holdings are multisig, in whatever form that takes, will become a big deal soon. Would be good to hear more about the creative details that people are coming up with.
I get no trick or treaters at my place so tempted to put a sign free sats with candy to see if anyone knocks
Awesome! Let me know if you get some takers.
Also, I’m sure someone here is gonna say it (actually something about saying you lots of guns) anyway, so I’ll go ahead and suggest you also mention in the sign that your personal stash is protected by multi-sig. I certainly am also gonna make sure that any would-be boogie monsters can tell the difference between these treats and my multi-city, multi-signature savings.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @Wumbo 10 Oct
What a great treat to give out to kids on Halloween.
(All the SN users are currently searching through jasonb past post to find out where they need to take their kids this Halloween)
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Wumbo 10 Oct
Joking aside, Very cool concept, keep up the good work.
Thanks! Let me know if you think of a tweek that would make it more useful for you personally.
What is really driving me nuts, though, are family and friends suddenly showing interest in bitcoin.
Curious because I've been considering a sorta similar thing, more of a hidden treasure hunt... What if the Cashu tokens are never redeemed? Are the sats just waiting in limbo forever? 1 sat no big deal (though I hate to see sats burnt), but what if the treasure was say 10k sats? I guess the thing to do would be redeem the sats myself? (Which would require me remembering they're there! )
I think it would make sense to have a backup of them, and print out some sort of an 'expiration date' where if they don't claim it by then the author should be able to claim it back.
@BlockchainB could explain more, but the short answer is yes. You'd just take back the sats yourself.
Cool idea! Why Cashu? Can't we just do it with any Lightning wallet?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ravener 11 Oct
LN invoices expire pretty quickly though compared to e-cash, or am I forgetting something?
Yeah, and also ecash nuts are outbound and have no specific recipient.
Thanks! With a lightning invoice, you're actually requesting sats. This is a way to give away a very small amount of sats with no fees and no specific recipient. Basically, whoever finds a cashu nut can cash it in. I think after Halloween I'm going to rename this project breadcrumbs because it's similar to leaving tons of breadcrumbs in the forest that all lead to the orange pill.
Trick or treating is on a whole new level. But of course it defends on the higher ups.