Its not max stupidity is ukraine promises them more that what russia does.
Promises are maximal stupid if you know they are impossible. And a promise is nothing worth if you are lying. 8years of militarising ukraine while playing peace talks is something russia will never forget. The trust towards the western world is nearly zero.
You trust Putin???
You shouldn't trust any member of the parasitic caste. Never
How do you define 'the parasite caste'?
Anyone who isn't contributing to a society of free voluntary exchange of goods or services but is stealing economic energy from the productive class by force
You consider all politicians as doing that?
Do You know even one of the so called 'representatives of the people' that's working, serving for free and actively reducing the state bureaucracy? That's what I would expect from a useful part-time parasite to serve its people and not to govern and educate them
I agree the vast majority of them are owned by corporate sponsors who they serve. They mostly do not serve us the people. This is a huge problem. We need to somehow fix it or we are headed for a very dark future. I think Bitcoin can be part of the solution- it highlights the pivotal role bankers have played in the corruption of western democracy- but I do not believe Bitcoin can do it alone- without a large number of citizens uniting to get rid of corporate patronage and control of our supposed representatives. We are all Satoshi- We are all also the government- We just need to stop leaving the governing to be done by rentseeking corporate proxies and somehow take back the direction of our elected representatives- to work for us. I