pull down to refresh

That moment when you're on a train and get intrusive thoughts about sharing a personal hotspot with the same SSID as the train.
And then you get blocked by iOS because you have to set a password. 👀
I guess that explains why most public WiFi hotspots have a branded login page to not make intercepting traffic like this so easy. But I doubt most would notice or care if there's no login.
I think I saw on SN a guide about how to make a hotspot paid with sats... damn it, search on SN is really bad. I can never find an old post Maybe you could set one, with a mobile device sharing the internet connection from your iShit.
Oh, cool idea! It's like free advertising of bitcoin, too, even if they don't connect.
damn it, search on SN is really bad. I can never find an old post
mhh, true, still bad, the post you were probably looking for is the first hit in Google search results:
SN search results as a comparison:
for me if I switch to recent from zaprank is getting empty.
I find myself in the same situation quite often. It's odd.
Must be a bug, we have a related ticket for it. I'll try to not forget about it. It's also annoying me but apparently I don't use the search often enough yet.
Oof, and since I think it's fair to assume that most people would simply click away any SSL errors a MitM attack doesn't seem so out of reach now. Or do some DNS spoofing so your fake site looks absolutely legit.