To disagree is healthy. That's what I learned about life and communism. It's not really life. That said, what do you think is the current world order that is being challenged?
A challenge to the current world order is not one of any considerable merit. Is not honorable and doesn't have any systemic improvement. But the current world order is hegemonic and the challenging power will replace that with another hegemony. No such thing as peaceful ascendance. Just power that abhors vaccums.
Tell me, where is the good leader? Genuinely curious.
As for the 'liberal' values and rule of law. I see less difference between political systems day by day.
You make good points - the current US led global hegemony is FAR from perfect- it is built upon centuries of global imperialism that has trashed almost all other than European christian cultures. But, in the current context IMO the west with its huge flaws and hypocrisies is still arguably better than China and Iran and Russia and N.Korea who are currently challenging it. Am open to persuasion on this point but from what I can see Putins Russia in particular is a very nasty piece of work. There is no freedom of speech - opponents are is a police state and rife with corruption and oligarchs...not freedom of speech or markets which the west at least partially though far from perfectly, achieves. The nature of life is that organisms and groups of organisms will fight for supremacy and access to resources. As for where are the good leaders- IMO we get the leaders we deserve- the cynical attitude of Libertarians to politics and government may not help in this- IMO we are all part of the government- I make my own contribution and many others do as well- democracy is fragile and fails when too few people are prepared to contribute- the corrption of our democracies has occurred with corporate sponsors coming to own our governments- we need to rise up and fight and remove these rentseeking corporate parasites- Bitcoin is a great tool in that difficult struggle.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 11 Oct
I agree. Sometimes it's hard to say to what extent. Mostly, I can say I've seen evidence with most of what you said. For example, if I was to assess N.Korean current state of fairs, I have little first hand knowledge, having not seen it with my own eyes.
But largely I agree.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 11 Oct
Perhaps if the west's gullible psychopathic liars, as there might be some exceptions (evidenced by the populist opposition to currect insane US, UK and EU policies and the fact that leaders of the east are not all saint by a large margin) presented a better model, proxy wars would not be such a freqent occurance.
That's just to bring balance to the shite governance models of East and West.