Putin could not have invaded Ukraine without Chinas support. Russias GDP is 1/10 of Chinas and without China buying his oil and gas and supplying manufactured goods Putin is finished. Putin is a despot - Europe does not need him. Putin is begging China to hurry up and build the second oil pipeline to China- China is in no hurry as Russia is now their property anyway.
So russia is chinese property because china is buying oil from russia? The US is buying everything from china, so what does it mean? Does china own US?
China owns Russia because without China both buying its oil and gas and supplying it with manufactured goods Russia would be unable to wage war or even function on more than a subsistence level. The US is reliant to some degree on China- if trade between China and US ceased then both would lose, a lot, but US would lose more- so many US businesses and even basic consumer supply chains are dependent upon Chinese manufacturing. China is still dependent upon the international framework of banking and trade protocols that US controls but China has been building its alternative framework and it is on that framework that it and Russia, Iran and N.Korea, and others, are now already operating. Already the US cannot declare war on China because if it did most large US corporates would collapse as a result of the Trading with the Enemy Act...and even without it they would suffer massive supply chain disruption and massive inflation in costs. China has won the trade war already - the war for control of global resources, monetary hegemony and institutional control of protocols and international law has begun.