Yes but we also have the real world fact that larger political groupings- nations- easily dominate smaller ones- the largest nations have almost always tended to treat smaller nations in a subservient manner- because they usually can. All for a grassroots federal or localised system like the Swiss seem to have but they are an exception acting as the neutral holders of the gold while Europes major powers fought. The problem is politics has become so distant from most people that its left up to a smaller and smaller group of people who have become owned by big business lobbying and funding. If there is any hope of saving our democracies it might come from more of us participating, engaging in local level and then higher levels. To answer your earlier question - are there any honest politicians- very few but in my experience there are still some but they get more 'support' from corporate lobbyists than citizens because so many citizens have become apathetic/cynical. We need to get involved or watch the liberty, democracy and values we had, die. It may already be too late but until that is confirmed we need to fight back and take back the representation that we have allowed to evaporate from our hands and into those of rentseeking bankers and lobbyists. The Bitcoin community might be one of the best bases from which to build such a process whereby we take back our democracy/governance.