Congratulations! I think of you as an SN OG. Hey, Snog! SN OGI like that term. I can see a poll coming. Who are the top SNOGs? @Coinsreporter is just the guy to make a post about this.
I've gone through the comments, and I don't think I quite match that description :) Neither according to your original idea nor the actual meaning!
I think it's already out their by the 'Top Stackers' on Forever. They are all SNOGs. Aren't they?
I'm kind of kidding around with the whole idea. SNOG just strikes me as a funny word. But, what I mean with SNOG accounts on the site are not necessarily big stackers, though they can be. It's more the accounts who have been around the longest, and though they don't post much, they contribute a lot to the conversation when they do. There are plenty of accounts here that have no interest in stacking sats, but contribute a lot to the site.
Well, this certainly changes things, huh😀 I knew it was a dumb idea!
You might have rethink it 😆 This what British people will think when they see "snog" 🤣🤣
Oh man. It's worse than I thought. I think this is the end of Snog on SN.
Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything and just let you roll with it 🤣🤣
12 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 11 Oct
I would have kept going, too. You blew it.
Gotcha! Thanks 😊