Can't comment ;-)
Just walking away works very well, not more complicated than that really!
Eh?? But what is "staying dark" ? I don't know what you're talking
Walk away from that phone! Or laptop, PC, or whatever!
Oh, and also your job, company or anything that keeps you in the Beast Machine...
Its doable, with gold, cash & strong will! ;-)
Ahh right thanks for explaining yourself ;-)
I won't mention the countries that I'm dealing with for obvious reasons, but they're far more benevolent than the US, with the IRS and so on...
So it was doable to simply ignore it all after 2020 hit until now, that certainly does wonder to the databases, their shitty lists or whatever goes on in the dark!
Not that I ever gave the fuckers much data to work with in the first place hahaha
Yes i have been on living on the outside kind of in the outside if the beast system for the past 3 and half years, nomading around. Recently moved to another country with much less oversight, lower tax, cash economy. But i still need to earn to live, eat etc. I'm working on that being outside the system. Don't want to go back into it.
Would be great to have a chat about all of that! :-)
I might need to plug into some fiat revenue soon, but it will be lower on the list than Bitcoin, cash & gold hehe
Yes, it would be great to have a chat about that!
Just re-read my comment and noticed all the typos!! :D