Given that Bitcoiners lean on Bitcoin to rid themselves of banks and other finance institutions, freedom must be an important consideration in how you live your life.
How does the notion of freedom pervade throughout your life then? Are there other things that you incorporate into your lifestyle so that you can embrace liberation?
Some examples:
Fixing teeth with baking soda and superglue Attaching the main drive sprocket on my 250cc using the same Fixing old shoes and doing flights with holes all over in them Not filing taxes from 2020 onwards Relocating from 2025 to keep being off the radar Ditching most belongings Dealing with most family thinking you're insane Happily eating like a peasant most days Spending hundreds of hours to decide spending gold instead of Bitcoin Selling off most of my camera gear Running old laptops until the literally disintegrate Focusing only on earning sats here, on Nostr and similar Skipping meetups and such due to cost an social friction Staying dark for as many years as possible Planning for any eventuality from 2025 onwards, after launch Constantly analyzing what went wrong at all forks in the road previously Extracting as much learning on practical freedom from the above as possible Building as much resolve for whatever as is humanly possible Gradually ignoring most content that is not my own Planning for the phase when things get less constrained, but never counting on it Learning a lot from our dog and ~2 dozen cats, especially the dead ones Writing bits & pieces about all of these things, gradually publishing for sats Preparing the largest fucking told you so for decades for later use
That's at least part of it! ;-)
What do you mean by ”staying dark for as many years as possible " ?
Can't comment ;-)
Just walking away works very well, not more complicated than that really!
Eh?? But what is "staying dark" ? I don't know what you're talking
Walk away from that phone! Or laptop, PC, or whatever!
Oh, and also your job, company or anything that keeps you in the Beast Machine...
Its doable, with gold, cash & strong will! ;-)
Ahh right thanks for explaining yourself ;-)
I won't mention the countries that I'm dealing with for obvious reasons, but they're far more benevolent than the US, with the IRS and so on...
So it was doable to simply ignore it all after 2020 hit until now, that certainly does wonder to the databases, their shitty lists or whatever goes on in the dark!
Not that I ever gave the fuckers much data to work with in the first place hahaha
Yes i have been on living on the outside kind of in the outside if the beast system for the past 3 and half years, nomading around. Recently moved to another country with much less oversight, lower tax, cash economy. But i still need to earn to live, eat etc. I'm working on that being outside the system. Don't want to go back into it.
You have so many cool examples! I’m working on ditching my belongings nowadays
Ditch what no longer serves you and does not resonate but don't get rid of things you need and will serve you in the future.
Thanks, but ultimately it was about one thing only: survival...
Oh well, now at least I can take the fight to the enemy!
I have let the Austrian economic thought pervade my life in order to see economic and political life better. It is harder escaping the clutches of various corporations (governments), than I thought, though.
Totally the way to go!
How did you get yourself schooled in the Austrian economic thought in the first place?
I have always been a non-conformist at heart but I'm constantly working on recognising how much I am mentally enslaved without realising it. Physical and tangible actions are one thing but to thoroughly comprehend how much we are governed by mind programming right from birth is a whole other level that I think takes many years and I'm not sure any (most) of us will really fully free ourselves from the mental shackles. Mental freedom is something I will keep working on as long as I live.
It’s easier said than done in regard to ridding oneself of the Matrix haha
Agree, it's a constant work in progress. But it's worth it. We can't give up and go back into slumber, have to keep awakening
I'm not sure any (most) of us will really fully free ourselves from the mental shackles
as u think so u will feel so u will act. every day ask urself who is the authority of ur body, mind, and soul. one day there will be a test, and it will demonstrate whether u've done the homework
Exactly, that's why we have to keep educating ourselves and really see how we have been programmed. We can never be arrogant and think we are "there" and have complete control over our own thought process. I see a lot of ppl are like this and then turn around and make a statement that relies on an authority to control them or another person. It's the ego coming into play. The ego tricks us into believing we have "made it" to a certain philosophical destination. Humility knows we are always learning.
Yep, spot on!
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @lrm_btc 12 Oct
I'm lucky to live a life with a lot of freedom. Lately I've felt I haven't taken enough advantage of the freedom to set my own goals. In this land of plenty, we often feel like there are good things to want and bad things to want. It is great to realize you are free to decide for yourself.
I think counting our blessings help us be contented and stop wanting more, which is like embracing freedom in a sense
run away from fear and run towards freedom, liberate everyone who can be liberated along the way! wake them up from the slumber, open their eyes. show them how to opt-out, show them how to not give a sh!t, accept no sh!t, think no sh!t.
Your words sound like an anthem fitting of a revolution!
I have always longed for freedom by fighting against the bonds of the state, but in all sincerity... you are crushed on all sides!!!