Burnout is inevitable. It sounds like you are like me, an all or nothing person. I tend to jump into things and then gradually lose interest. Bitcoin and SN have been an exception. Still, I have needed a break frequently during the past 2 1/2 years. Now I have reached the point where it has just become part of my day. I don't spend nearly as much time here as I used to, but I have never lost interest completely. If you're worried that you will leave for good if you shut down for a few days, just check in a few times a day. The site does have all these dopamine traps like the leader board, cowboy hat, etc. Maybe @ek's zen mode will be better for all of us.
Burnout is the word, I should've used. Thanks for adding it. I'm actually feeling a burnout. TBH, I'm feeling under pressure right now.
Yes, I can be on a break with SN as well. I forgot, I did a long holiday trip in June and at that time I was running the Cricket Pool but managed it. I think I need a trip like that again.
You're right about the dopamine traps. I believe they won't let me break away.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 12 Oct