Down Under is heavy regulated...When withdrawing money from your bank, you need to give explanations about it. Aussie CBDC is in the pipeline and freedom of speech on social media is under observation.
Yeah I've seen some videos from a guy withdrawing cash from a bank account in Australia, and he's asked why he's withdrawing it. He comes up with some, let's say, VERY creative reasons to get out the cash.
I've also said in this situation, "I just like to have cash".
I think the bank employees are forced to ASK (which is of course tyranny). But you can reply whatever you want.
Those employees are traitors, honestly...
There was a time way back, when sanity & honesty actually was a thing!
Even for banks...
Yes I had to sign all this paperwork to send money out of account and pay a higher fee to do so for a transaction over 100k