Most of the time I'm collecting & cataloging a lot of information each day, but most of the time I use it in ways the delusionally optimistic technotrolls never intended!
All of those places have been off my map of possible locations for a long time already, but confirmations are also nice...
You won't find me in a 15 minute city ever, but worst case you might see someone similar dressed in all black with a powerful angle grinder!
It's all getting very Demolition Man
Hehe yeah, actually I ran that once in maybe 96 as a projectionist :-)
Watched it again after 2020, a completely different experience since it by then seemed to describe the past more than an impossible future...
What other places have you got on your list?
To avoid? Most big cities and so called modern states! ;-)
Certainly the US (never went), most of the EU and recently most of South East Asia...
I won't ever really spend my time and Bitcoin somewhere that does not have a healthy cash economy with no realistic chance of the government killing that off rapidly.
Also I need access to at least suburban areas with nature mixed in, ideally somewhere that is resilient if we get an economical collapse or similar shocks.
If I was more agile & intact physically I might have yoloed into Africa, Egypt was interesting, other than that the Balkans and area around the Black Sea might be on the list of where I might go!
You never went to the US and you have an opinion? That's rather premature don't you think? US does have plenty of nature in the fly-over states where you will see no human for miles if that's your thing ( I sense it's not). It will take time when BTC will be next to USD as a payment option everywhere, even in Timbuck2, for now you have to stick to rather major cities to have its use unless you go to El Salvador where (from what I see/hear) you can use it almost everywhere... Switzerland is also growing in its use (e.g. Zug) . my 2 satoshis...
After 9/11 I swore to never get anywhere near the TSA, and that entity as well as the other 3 letter agencies that have been terrorizing the globe for far too long you won't need to visit the country and people to have a well informed opinion of!
I'd even say that anyone on the planet has to have an opinion on these entities to be able to do the right, and especially not the wrong thing...
Never claimed here that I'll try to live on direct Bitcoin transactions only, it will be Bitcoin to cash, or even gold as intermediary :-)
UK airport staff are fast becoming as bad as the TSA and in some aspects worse
Yeah... Had a great time flying in & out of London maybe 50+ times over 3 years, from 2001 to 2005, but now I'd definitely want to avoid even transit...
I simply do not trust any communists, simple as that!
Australia would be out as well?
Down Under is heavy regulated...When withdrawing money from your bank, you need to give explanations about it. Aussie CBDC is in the pipeline and freedom of speech on social media is under observation.
Yeah I've seen some videos from a guy withdrawing cash from a bank account in Australia, and he's asked why he's withdrawing it. He comes up with some, let's say, VERY creative reasons to get out the cash.
I've also said in this situation, "I just like to have cash".
I think the bank employees are forced to ASK (which is of course tyranny). But you can reply whatever you want.
Those employees are traitors, honestly...
There was a time way back, when sanity & honesty actually was a thing!
Even for banks...
Yes I had to sign all this paperwork to send money out of account and pay a higher fee to do so for a transaction over 100k
To be avoided at any cost, that much is obvious!
Would not even transit there, unless I seriously have to...
Yes I figured as much. Itโ€™s a shame itโ€™s going this way
If there is one thing that 2020 showed is then its that there totally is something to these global, totalitarian plans.
Not factoring that into all major, and many minor decisions is ignorant, and could well backfire in serious ways later on.
Will this global thing break? Maybe, at least there is serious infighting I think...
Can you explain what you mean by these 'global totalitarian plans'?
Are you referring to the response of governments to the Covid pandemic?
Or do you believe there is a plan to remove democracy or something?
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Its not that I fear it as such, its that this shitty, dystopian reality came damn near whacking me already...
Too much to explain here, will get around to it. When you have no real freedom of choice for even basic things like what you eat and especially how you make a basic living then things inevitably get far too dangerous!
Looking forward to hearing the story!
Thanks, it will take a while since it was (and is) super complex, but this format and audience works very well!