To be avoided at any cost, that much is obvious!
Would not even transit there, unless I seriously have to...
Yes I figured as much. Itโ€™s a shame itโ€™s going this way
If there is one thing that 2020 showed is then its that there totally is something to these global, totalitarian plans.
Not factoring that into all major, and many minor decisions is ignorant, and could well backfire in serious ways later on.
Will this global thing break? Maybe, at least there is serious infighting I think...
Can you explain what you mean by these 'global totalitarian plans'?
Are you referring to the response of governments to the Covid pandemic?
Or do you believe there is a plan to remove democracy or something?
Thanks and yes the links are helpful especially the last vagabond one as I have heard a lot of talk about the infamous 'you will own nothing and be happy' quote...but never until today knew the source and context- as the link explains the author was someone working for the WEF and they explained the scenario they wrote was not to describe an ideal future but a potential future given current trends- Yes in every instance I have heard this quote previously it has been taken or interpreted as meaning what the WEF intends...a gross misunderstanding of the context and intent of the author. Yes I agree too on the link about the dangers of modern surveillance increasingly intruding upon our privacy- this seems obvious given how dependent we have become on online applications and the proliferation of AI and surveillance cameras/IOT/etc. While I agree with the concerns about invasion of our privacy and state/corporate surveillance I see no clear evidence of a conspiracy to enforce a dystopian future- maybe there is such a conspiracy but where is the proof of it? What I do see is a political system that is increasingly dysfunctional in western democracies- citizens feel disinfranchised while powerful corporates sponsor and own our so called representatives and instead of representing us they represent the corporates who fund them. If we want to keep our democracies we need to get involved and get corporate funding taken out of the system. A difficult job yes, but if its not done our democracies will continue to malfunction and probably will die. And yes I understand why people want to opt out and go offgrid- I am doing this too, but not everyone is able to do that. Given what evidence is available it seems to me the greatest threat to liberal western democracy now is its collapse and the rise of autocracies like Putin and China. The west seems hugely divided, mired in individualism and lack of unity. We have demons within and despots without. We do need to be united in fighting back on both fronts. For me some tools are Linux- I have not used corporate spyware Microsoft or Apple for 20 years. I use android only for a few limited applications. Want to get a Linux driven phone but have not yet been able to achieve it. Bitcoin- take out my savings from the rentseeking bankers who are the prime hijackers of our democracies. Live simple- I grow most of my own food and adopt a voluntary poverty lifestyle of simplicity. Active in politics to pressure for change. most politicians in my country get most of their funding from corporates but there are still some who want to work for the people- I try to support them but its hard- the culture of believing in and participating in democracy seems to be dying- this is where I despair for the future. Seems like many politicians who might have started with good intent get owned by corporate sponsors...because support from citizens is not there anymore.
You're welcome for the links!
The more you research into this the more you will see there is definitely a conspiracy to enslave humanity in a digital prison. I, personally ,don't put faith in any kind of politics or politicians and I believe democracy is a con. You cannot get into high positions in politics without being compromised in some way - that way you are controllable. That's why any person who is "in for the people" does not get anywhere in politics.
The whole 2 party system and voting is a con designed to make us think we have some control over our lives by (apparently) choosing our slave-master every few years. The politicians are just puppets dancing to their puppet masters' orders.
Take a look into Whitney Webb's work ( Unlimited Hangout ) and her books. She has done extensive research on all of this.
Another person you could look into is Larken Rose together with his book The Most Dangerous Superstition
Also this movie The Jones Plantation which is an allegory of the political system
Good links, thanks for the assistance ;-)