You're welcome for the links!
The more you research into this the more you will see there is definitely a conspiracy to enslave humanity in a digital prison. I, personally ,don't put faith in any kind of politics or politicians and I believe democracy is a con. You cannot get into high positions in politics without being compromised in some way - that way you are controllable. That's why any person who is "in for the people" does not get anywhere in politics.
The whole 2 party system and voting is a con designed to make us think we have some control over our lives by (apparently) choosing our slave-master every few years. The politicians are just puppets dancing to their puppet masters' orders.
Take a look into Whitney Webb's work ( Unlimited Hangout ) and her books. She has done extensive research on all of this.
Another person you could look into is Larken Rose together with his book The Most Dangerous Superstition
Also this movie The Jones Plantation which is an allegory of the political system