I don't know much about this particular case, but the Innocence Project has done great work over the years, especially with regard to DNA exoneration of the falsely accused.
I'm opposed to the state killing people in general, but in case like this, where even the lead detective from the case says they were wrong, it's impossible to read as anything other than an abomination and a bloodthirsty legal system.
It blows my mind when people that do nothing but complain about the incompetence of the government are big fans of the government determining who should live or die.
I don't think that execution is any different than a life sentence. Rather a life sentence can be more torturing in many ways.
I guess we can't judge that until we're the one who's about to get offed.
Seems like almost everyone who actually faces these two possibilities tries very hard to get the life sentence.
I think It's different because you have an executioner. Someone, presumably innocent, whose job it is to kill. It's unfair to ask others to be executioners, because we put blood on their hands that they don't deserve to have there.
Execution would be better in my opinion if we put everyone's (who supports execution) name into a hat, and then drew a name when it's time to execute a prisoner. Like jury duty.
What utter BS: At trial, one nurse claimed she saw signs of sexual abuse in Nikki’s case, though no doctors or other medical professionals involved in Nikki’s care observed any such signs and testing from a sexual assault kit produced no substantiating evidence. The nurse, who presented herself as a “Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner” (SANE), was, in fact, not SANE-certified and offered her personal views on pedophiles in her testimony, further stoking prejudice against Mr. Roberson so the jury could see him, with no history of violence, as a person capable of violently shaking a child.
I guess The ScienceTM is only the science when it goes the way the state wishes. I have known for years that SBS and SIDs were a load of horse pucky. Both cases have been credibly attributed to vaccinations, just as colon cancer is attributed to polio vaccinations! I guess we will figure it out later rather than sooner. However, are we going to execute people over it? It looks to me like the case of the single innocent person out of thousands of guilty getting murdered by the state.
are we going to execute people over it?
these psychopaths will do anything to cover up their own crimes, no matter what suffering they cause. It's all about money.
That’s the problem, the psychopathy In the people as well as the system. How in the world could the nurse take the stand and not get ripped a new one for saying those things without personal knowledge of the case? When do you think the Innocents Project will take this poor guy’s case?
BTW, maybe soon, they will be prosecuting relatives in the case of SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome).
From what l know, the innocence projects pick their clients carefully. This will be something to watch carefully, since it could easily happen to one of us.
Wow. As a parent, my heart always bleeds when I hear of situations whereby not only is another parent dealing with the indescribable pain of losing a child but also potentially being unjustly punished for their death.