Good question. I'll tell you when I know😀 I'm thinking of it more as capability when there's no internet for whatever reason.
Certainly not the Siggy way!


No, this is definitely my way. I jump in knowing nothing, and learn about the thing later.
You told me yesterday about 'all in or nothing', I've connected it to that but I realise that was for something else.
I do the same btw.
Real-time learning is much more engaging. How can you send/receive Bitcoin even if you're not connected to the internet with your mobile phone? Does someone on the network just need to provide internet?
I don't know the details, but I believe there have already been transactions through radio. Ham operators have done it.
There is an experience in Africa using USSD code with non-smart mobile phones.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 14 Oct
I would not consider Meshtastic encryption secure or private just yet after reading over this Meshtastic Encryption.
The TLDR is that while comms are encrypted they can be captured (since messages are relayed) and then the encryption can be attacked offline in the future. Its called the "Harvest now, Decrypt later" attack. I'm a noob but will share what I learn here as well.
Thanks for the info.