My friend introduced me to Bitcoin, but regretfully I derided him for wasting his money on a Ponzi scheme. There were too many red flags on the surface for me to be willing to deep dive into the rabbit hole. Additionally, as an investor, gold was never appealing to me, so the metaphor "digital gold" wasn't any better. My friend later asked me if there was anything he could've said to convince me about Bitcoin, and I replied no probably not! So keep that in mind as well that as much as you may want to teach your friends and family about Bitcoin, sometimes they need to reach out to you themselves.
I came for the number go up technology, but I stayed for the once-in-a-civilization monetary revolution!

Source 1: Financial News

Those financial headlines made me consider for the first time ever, was I wrong about Bitcoin?

Source 2: Investment Studies

Then I read more fiscal studies from financial institutions I trusted: Fidelity Bitcoin Investment Thesis, Ark Invest Big Ideas 2021, and Grayscale's Bitcoin 2019 Investor Study.

Source 3: The Bitcoin Whitepaper

The investor in me was now open to Bitcoin, but the software engineer remained unconvinced. I've always preferred primary sources, choosing to read the study an article references rather than a summary of the study. So in Bitcoin, I knew the best place to start was the Whitepaper, which was no easy read.

Source 4: Bitcoin News Podcasts

I started listening to Bitcoin podcasts like Coindesk's The Breakdown with NLW talking about Bitcoin, Macro, and the Power Shifts reshaping our world.

Source 5: The Bitcoin Standard

That really got me thinking bigger, and I finally read the book that would ultimately explain money and Bitcoin so clearly, The Bitcoin Standard.

Source 6: Cryptocurrency Coursework

It was at this point I came back to my (now multiple) friends who I derided earlier to ask for help! My concerns about the Mt Gox hack and leaving my Bitcoin on an exchange still weighed heavily on me, and they recommended I get the cold storage hardware wallet they had, a Ledger. While not Bitcoin Only, the Ledger Academy taught me what a seed phrase is and how to safely take self custody of my Bitcoin to which I'm forever grateful! Ironically enough, it was Ledger Academy's endless articles about staking every altcoin you can think of that screamed circular logic scam, and reassured me Bitcoin isn't "crypto." I'm proud to say I've been Bitcoin only since Day 1! While I had yet to buy Bitcoin still in my journey, I now had a ledger so I'd be ready for cold storage the very first time I stacked sats.

Source 7: Technical Bitcoin Books and Videos

Feeling more confident on the tech side, I tackled Andreas Antonopoulos' Mastering Bitcoin to read how Bitcoin actually worked. I started watching his videos on YouTube, and was blown away his lecture that Bitcoin consensus is achieved by Rules without Rulers and how he "doesn't believe in Santa Claus."
Again, I revisited the Bitcoin Whitepaper and could now understand it with my further background information.

Final Source 8: Bitcoin Culture Articles

I listened to Guy Swann's Bitcoin Audible reading of Croesus' article published in Citadel21, Why the Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin. Jesse Meyers gave the high signal meow I needed out of the chaos I was battling internally. Was I the yuppie elite? Could I be wrong about Bitcoin?:
"For the business and financial elite, who have honed their heuristic abilities for filtering out the deluge of noise they sift through on a daily basis in order to be effective in their professions, Bitcoin's red flags are a non-starter.... A typical member of the yuppie elite flags Bitcoin as garbage to be ignored upon their first investigation of its merits, and because of the groupthink of yuppies only paying attention to what other yuppies are interested in, that's where Bitcoin remains.... Of course, this will all change as Bitcoin's mechanics continue to play out, making Number go Up. In time, everyone will have to face the painful realization that their reasons for writing off Bitcoin were wrong."
While this culmination of sources (none of them Twitter/Reddit or prompting from my family or friends) led me down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, it was this cultural opinion piece that finally led me to pull the trigger. I purchased my first satoshis in April 2021 at the low low price of $62,000 USD/BTC, and I've been buying the dip ever since, all the way down to $16,000 USD/BTC in November 2022.
It bears repeating: I came for the number go up technology, but I stayed for the once-in-a-civilization monetary revolution!
After making my first purchase, sending it to cold storage, and having some skin in the game, even if just a little, my appetite for Bitcoin knowledge became voracious; reading everything I could about Bitcoin! Eventually, I felt like I was out of things to read, so then I thought, "Well isn't Bitcoin open source? Why don't I just read the C++ code for myself!" So I read the Bitcoin Core Github, Bitcoin stack exchange posts from Peter Wuille, and Peter Todd's blog posts.
As a software engineer, I was so enthralled reading the actual code that I started driving my wife insane with my ramblings about Bitcoin! So I did what any respectable husband would do, and channeled my Bitcoin energy into publishing a book about our dog, Sheila, running around the Australian Outback. But not just any dog, The Bitcoin Dog: Following the Scent to the Bitcoin C++ Source Code! And of course as a good global Bitcoin citizen, I spun up a Bitcoin full node to help write the book and support our decentralized peer to peer network!
Since then, I haven't stopped writing! 280 characters a tweet on Twitter or Nostr, and now contributing to ~BooksAndArticles on Stacker News!
While I enjoy giving plebs a platform on my Bitcoin podcast, "It's So Early!", and highlighting fellow Bitcoiners in my newsletter, my goal is to do my part to further Hyperbitcoinization. I'm grateful that it's not all on my shoulders (even Satoshi walked away in 2011 and Bitcoin is thriving!). Still, reflecting on My Bitcoin Story, the following are the Bitcoin sources I could provide to turn no-coiners into Bitcoiners:
  • Report factual financial news (no clickbait!)
  • Report factual Bitcoin news (Bitcoin only!)
  • ✅ Publish a book to explain Bitcoin
  • ✅ Publish technical bitcoin & lightning guides
  • ✅ Publish articles to drive home the culture
Rather than start reporting the news, I've started writing a fun action adventure young adult Bitcoin novel Bitcoin Girl Save the World. Who knows! If it turns into a worldwide cultural phenomenon, maybe it will take less than eight Bitcoin sources to turn the yuppie elite into Bitcoiners! It's a long shot, but then again, so was Bitcoin.
This article was originally published in Satoshi's Journal on December 30, 2022
Will Schoellkopf is author of Bitcoin Girl Save the World, AND The Bitcoin Dog: Following The Scent To The Bitcoin C++ Source Code, and host of the Bitcoin podcast It's So Early! Will publishes a weekly newsletter featuring his favorite Bitcoin Tweets of the week! He is anthologized in 21 Futures: Tales from the Timechain, published in print at Bitcoin Magazine, Citadel21, Stackchain Magazine, and online at Satoshi's Journal. Follow him on Twitter @realBitcoinDog, or email will [@] realbitcoindog [.] com
1131 sats \ 1 reply \ @Golu 14 Oct
What a cool story! Oh man I'm nowhere close to your level, but I surely want to. It's always good to learn the way. Everyone keeps on telling this is that or that is this but noone shows the way. Thanks 👍
This is the way. Thank you for the huge compliment! Favorite parts??
This is the biggest art in the craft of writing, “Show, don’t tell.”
Where are you on your journey? You must’ve done something right! (Or wrong) to wind up on Stacker News, cowboy!
Have you published your own Bitcoin story?
Isn't it thr same story with almost everyone? Bitcoin is such a great Innovation, it always takes time to reach the rabbit hole. I'm so new that I'm just at the 3rd Source. Thanks for showing the way. Thanks for this amazing story.
Yea I really tried hard to be methodical and reflect and record the cascade of independent and varied type of sources that all had a culminating effect to go all in.
There are those OG ppl that “got it” as soon as they saw it like Max Keiser or Guy Swann or Adam Beck. So you’re right, for the rest of us, doesn’t just take time. Takes denial and denial until finally admitting to ourselves, I was wrong about Bitcoin.
That’s great you’ve actually opened up the white paper to take a look!
If you haven’t gotten into Bitcoin podcasts yet, you’re in for a treat. You’re gonna love this guy Saylor. The “meditation” videos of his crack me up!
1010 sats \ 1 reply \ @IamSINGLE 14 Oct
Fantastic! What a 'linky' story! ;) You know you got me to bookmark this. Thanks..
Thanks! Yea it took me some time, but I wanted to make sure I fixed all the broken links from when I first wrote this two years ago. Luckily I was still able to find everything!
As you know, once you actually do start going down the rabbit hole, you go down hard and fast, so it was an effort to really dig deep and think what pulled my head of that normie head space and be honest with myself - IT WAS THE PRICE. 😅
Of course now we’re all in, but that took time. I HAD to find that 2019 Grayscale study. It’s “just another stat” but wow it was unlike any other. Not a study of Bitcoin, but a study of investors. “89% would consider investing in Bitcoin if they just knew a little more.”
Nailed it! You've perfectly told your story and gave us all a simple snippet to save for further reading or sharing with newbies.
Writing is a craft. I left out the parts where so heard about it in 2013 at $400 but Mt. Gox exploded so I thought it was a scam. Or when I saw it at $20k in 2017 and doubled down on the scam feeling, and felt redemption when it cratered to $3500 in 2018.
I left that out cuz that’s a summary. That’s not the journey.
The journey is what did it take for you to go all in
I'm glad to know your point. That's good, you're writing your Bitcoin journey not the pre one. That surely doesn't count. Did you read any other story from stackers here?
I’m grateful for @siggy47 Saturday newsletters. That’s how I knew he even had a call for Bitcoin stories! Do you have yours posted @Coinsreporter? If you’d like, then I’ll read it!
I saw @ek was the first entry in a writing contest or something? His I think was short and sweet but I might have to look again.
Please let me know which made an impact on you. I’ve got a happy problem of too much great content to read on SN!
I have mine too. On the same newsletter, there's a section called 'Bitcoin Journeys' and stories are parked there. Yours gonna be there as well.
Oh no. Something went wrong when you reposted it in the ~BooksAndArticles territory which is what @siggy47 has linked! It just says “Read More” but I CANT read more. I CANT!! 😭😭
Ohh.. that's another change on SN causing me bug time because all my past links put with headings have vanished.
The link is there with the title but here's one for you.
1100 sats \ 22 replies \ @siggy47 14 Oct
Wow! One hell of a story and one hell of a journey. It took you a few weeks to post here, but it was worth the wait. I am glad @grayruby brought you to SN. You have already made your mark on our community. I can't wait to read more.
Well, he is the bitcoindog after all. He followed me home after defeating me in the Nostr NFL Survivor pool and now he is part of the family.
Is there a reason @siggy47 zaps only 43 sats and not 47??
I followed the scent home to SN 🐕
Probably because it has been 43 years since any of his teams were good. Haha
Oww. You bastard. After what I had to witness last night?
That was rough. How are you feeling about your Jets tonight?
BUT DID @siggy47 ANSWER THE POLL IN ~stacker_sports about firing head coach Saleh?
“Jets gonna Jets.”
It might be uglier than last night.
@grayruby specifically told me to play Braelon Allen on my fantasy team so it better not be THAT ugly!
Can’t all be fans of LA teams. In one year (2021) the Rams, Lakers, and Dodgers all won championships!!
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 14 Oct
The only downside is that you were likely to have been born and raised in LA
The Dodgers and Lakers both won in 2020 and the Rams won in the 2021 season (super bowl took place in 2022 though). Close enough though. Within the span of around 15 months LA won 3 championships.
The Dodgers and Lakers championships should have an asterisk though. Those weren't real seasons.
Donald was amazing. I have to give LA credit. They know how to throw a party. That was a great Super Bowl. Halftime show was awesome.
Not sure if you know this but my wife was born in LA. Getting used to Canadian winters took her a couple years.
60 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 14 Oct
@k00b @ek what is more mysterious? The Easter egg to unlock both the 🐎 🔫 flair like @siggy47 has, or why he only zaps 43 sats instead of 47??
That’s the best compliment, thank you!
I’ve got a lot more for you cowboys to read 😅. It’s amazing what Bitcoin brings out in us. I was never a writer before, but Bitcoin inspired this entrepreneurial spirit within me to put my ideas out there in the world, and with wild creativity!
What were your biggest takeaways? The biggest for me is to remind myself why I post. Making friends with fellow Bitcoiners is the true yield of Bitcoin, so NOSTR/X/SN are not a waste. But if I’m trying to bring nocoiners in for Hyperbitcoinization, that’s at least not what got me 😭😭
But maybe zapping each other helps drive the price of Bitcoin up? At least @DarthCoin knows why he posts🫡
Awesome post.