In case you have friends newbies and nocoiners asking all kind of FUD questions about Bitcoin and you do not have at hand the right information, here is a collection of articles with the right answers, by categories with each main FUD


  • “Bitcoin wastes energy”
  • “Bitcoin might exhaust all energy available to people”
  • “Uses more energy than Visa per transaction”
  • “Uses dirty, non-renewable energy”
  • “Bitcoin is bad for Climate Change”
  • "Bitcoin vs. Gold mining"
  • “Bitcoin wastes water”


  • “Bitcon is a Ponzi / pyramid scheme”
  • “Bitcoin was not fairly distributed”
  • “Bitcoin increases inequality”

Bitcoin as Money

  • “Too Volatile”
  • “Bitcoin is a bad medium-of-exchange”
  • “No intrinsic value”, “Bitcoin is a bubble”
  • “Bitcoin isn’t scalable”, “Can’t process as many payments as Visa”
  • “Bitcoin’s price is artificially manipulated”


  • “Some inflation is good for the economy”
  • “Without inflation there won’t be enough money for everybody”

PoW vs PoS


  • “Miners control Bitcoin”
  • “Blockstream controls Bitcoin”
  • Decentralization


  • “Governments can ban Bitcoin”
  • “Governments can attack the Bitcoin network”
  • “Bitcoin is not backed by anything”
  • “Bitcoin is mined/controlled by China”
  • “Governments will create their own crypto coin and force it on people”
  • “Governments decide what counts as money”


  • “Coin X is faster than Bitcoin”
  • “Coin X is more fairly distributed than Bitcoin”
  • “Bitcoin is MySpace”
  • “Bitcoin developers can increase its inflation”
  • “Bitcoin is not scarce because it can be cloned”

New Technology

  • “Quantum computing breaks Bitcoin”
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 14 Oct
Great references
Let stupid, statist fucks fail & burn, while you buidl the new on Bitcoin and Lightning!
I'm long since done trying to convince or even save anyone not worthy of freedom nor even survival...
They have their commie talking points now we a library of talking points against them. @DarthCoin this is my weapon against incurable insanity.
Bitcoin wastes energy
Well energy is not created nor destroyed. @DarthCoin this is definitely a product of your hard work. This is a compendium of thesis that allows for open mindedness. Thanks a lot.
Most of the time I think that the FUD is just out there to create a clickbait for morons. These articles are helpful if we really want to get our Bitcoin ideas across. “Miners control Bitcoin” , yeah sure they have to acquire and maintain the expensive equipment plus interest rates and other hidden fiat charges. Meaning they cannot control anything.
Excellent resource.
I like the layout of the article. Lists work well for me, since I am a nooby. FUD is always and everywhere. It is good to see some of the answers to the FUD.
Exactly for that I formatted like that instead of just throwing a link without saying anything. I hope the content of the post gets indexed in searches and when people search for something like that will come up. Or just bookmark that post and when somebody ask you about a FUD you will find it there easily.
Thanks for the efforts. I like to comment on every article I post and include a pertinent quote. I think just putting up a bare link is lame.
I forgot to add this video about growing peppers from Bitcoin mining
I was always partial to this I wrote for Bitcoin Magazine in 2023:
#Bitcoin, not crypto, don't regurgitate outdated/disproven FUD, and fav one: "make sure that the property of Bitcoin that you’re attacking isn’t worse in the legacy system."
I don't understand people fighting with reality to this day. Bitcoin is revolutionary!
Treasure trove
Thank you for sharing such valuable information, friend @ DarthCoin, with all of us who have started in Bitcoin and awakened from the fallacy of Fiat money.