In case you have friends newbies and nocoiners asking all kind of FUD questions about Bitcoin and you do not have at hand the right information, here is a collection of articles with the right answers, by categories with each main FUD
- “Bitcoin wastes energy”
- “Bitcoin might exhaust all energy available to people”
- “Uses more energy than Visa per transaction”
- “Uses dirty, non-renewable energy”
- “Bitcoin is bad for Climate Change”
- "Bitcoin vs. Gold mining"
- “Bitcoin wastes water”
- “Bitcon is a Ponzi / pyramid scheme”
- “Bitcoin was not fairly distributed”
- “Bitcoin increases inequality”
Bitcoin as Money
- “Too Volatile”
- “Bitcoin is a bad medium-of-exchange”
- “No intrinsic value”, “Bitcoin is a bubble”
- “Bitcoin isn’t scalable”, “Can’t process as many payments as Visa”
- “Bitcoin’s price is artificially manipulated”
- “Some inflation is good for the economy”
- “Without inflation there won’t be enough money for everybody”
PoW vs PoS
- “Miners control Bitcoin”
- “Blockstream controls Bitcoin”
- Decentralization
- “Governments can ban Bitcoin”
- “Governments can attack the Bitcoin network”
- “Bitcoin is not backed by anything”
- “Bitcoin is mined/controlled by China”
- “Governments will create their own crypto coin and force it on people”
- “Governments decide what counts as money”
- “Coin X is faster than Bitcoin”
- “Coin X is more fairly distributed than Bitcoin”
- “Bitcoin is MySpace”
- “Bitcoin developers can increase its inflation”
- “Bitcoin is not scarce because it can be cloned”
New Technology
- “Quantum computing breaks Bitcoin”