I've always been interested in Eastern philosophies and Stoicism. When I first heard about Bitcoin, it seemed to align well with the beliefs, ideas, and lifestyle I was already living. I try my best to be self-sovereign, practice a low-time preference, and delayed gratification. I've also learned so much about Linux, servers, etc...
I'm curious to hear what skills you have gained from Bitcoin, or how it has changed or aligns with your lifestyle.
38 sats \ 0 replies \ @aljaz 17h
Ability to withstand a lot of pain.
68 sats \ 6 replies \ @Satosora 19h
Patience and freedom.
patience ? 🤔
48 sats \ 1 reply \ @TNStacker 16h
Yes patience. Time preference delta, baby!
36 sats \ 0 replies \ @Satosora 16h
Yes. For all the people who got in early and held through the high and low times. Everyone knows those feelings. The self doubt.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 19h
Yes, everyone that has held through a fall is learning patience.
Okay, I hadn't thought of it that way. Actually, I don't really care about the price, but I admit I do check it out from time to time.
freedom? How?
27 sats \ 0 replies \ @ogi099 16h
It made me interested in fiat systems, and then made me doing huge research about all finance related things like printing and debt, which changed my lifestyle completely in about 2 years. So a lot of knowledge about (broken) money, how important accumulation and patience is, so it improved my saving money habit by a lot in general - it's really easier when your local currency inflation dont steal from you
25 sats \ 0 replies \ @Bee_Aye 16h
Learning about self-hosting software. I wasnt really aware but running a node was really my gateway to where I am now, which is attempting to self-hot as much of my software/data as possible and using tools that make the tradeoffs of self-hosting bearable.
Knowing Bitcoin brought a total change to my life, both at the level of thinking, perspective towards the economy, and on a personal level. Being able to realize that fiduciary money is a total fallacy and that they only want us to be prisoners of the system has turned me into an ungovernable being.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym OP 18h
Once you see the cracks in the system, you cant' unsee it.
That's right my friend
19 sats \ 0 replies \ @tony_ 15h
Bitcoin has strengthened my ability to recognize emerging technologies with long-term potential. I first started working with Bitcoin 14 years ago, back in college, when most of my peers were skeptical or dismissive of it. Many of them still are. However, the experience has reinforced my commitment to pursuing projects that align with my values, regardless of public opinion. Today, while many of my former classmates are building ad-based platforms or building bureaucracy software, I have the privilege of focusing on what I believe is shaping the future.
Patience/Delayed gratification/ Change in time preference.
Communicating technical information
Bitcoin by far is the most technical subject I've had to communicate to regular people about.
I've learned that you can not help people if they are not ready for BTC. Also, I learned about self discipline and low time preference.
As a tech person I always considered economic matters unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but Bitcoin taught me that, expenditure and intake of resources underlines every aspect of the universe.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym OP 18h
Yes. A lot like our diet also.
It's strengthened my ability to cut through bullshit. It's a wonderful litmus test for who's paying attention and is in turn worth paying attention to. All of the above is useful for investing and decision-making in general.
Low time preference everything.
how money works (economics)
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @j7hB75 13h
Courage to try something new. I was, am still not very technical. But running a node and trying to understand how these systems function has been a great experience and can be applied to non-Bitcoin related things.
Low time preference.
Knowing when to hold
The value of listening. Listening to real experts of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin taught me how to design a sustainable form of “money”. Even though I realized that I cannot replace it.
Enduring ridicule for many years. The patience of being my own bank for years since 2010.