When your back is up against the wall.
And the territory is unfamiliar.
When inaction isn't an option.
And opportunity is calling you from uncertainty.
What are you like when your back is up against the wall?
I take a moment to float. I'm buying time. I need to think.
When writing is just writing
Is it just a question?
Is it a report?
What tone and theme do I choose for my life?
If I don't write, then what am I doing?
I didn't take that path. I took a path with an extra entendre. Not entirely simplified. Decisions have consequences. Be conscious of the decisions you are making.
If you were given the opportunity...for the sake of what? I have a life that's destined for me.
One thing at a time.
What I'm after is well-being and impact. Love and self-actualisation.
You have privileges disguised as desires. Your potentiality is evident, but you can't shoot yourself in the foot and expect to run. You're exactly where you need to be. Look forward and act from the seat of your consciousness. Your brain-mind is simply a tool at your disposal. Take care of your tools.
Taking care of my body is a must. While doing so, I lean into the core of the problem at hand. I dismantle the situation by tapping into my reserve. I've been craving a challenge. I feel important decisions and determination at hand.
How are you when your back is up against the wall?