the country I'm originally from is the last place on earth I'd fight or die for. Well, second to last. the last is the US, of course, the global dictator, but I'm not from there. and it's not so different, really. It depends of course, on whather you move to a bigger city or to the countryside; the countryside, yes, is different and does suffer some development issues; depends on the countryside. The cities don't. And a lot of the environment shock is really only due to the stereotypes you were saddled with. It looks a little different, and at first you suspect things that are in fact ghosts conjured up by bad expectations your home country set you up with. It's propaganda to portray these places as dirty mud huts. Before I left, I vividly remember my doctors trying to 10 different vaccines on me. Talking to them about it, it quickly became clear that they thought I'd sleep on a dirt floor, swim in rain puddles filled with bugs, and eat unwashed berries from the jungle. I told them, I've been there before. It's a normal house and the food comes from a normal supermarket, and yes the rivers are dirty, but everyone knows not to get near that water.