The gold chart shows the slow and accelerating death of the euro. They won't tell you, but governments and central banks, even in the eurozone, are holding massive amounts of gold. They will use it to drop their last anchor while the population is forced to lose their purchasing power in the dying junk currency, confused by the media narrative. At a certain point, the news will spread that states are printing money and thus destroying the purchasing power of their citizens in order to secure this lifeboat for themselves. But there are other ways to escape the state intervention trap and creeping socialism...
In a few days, the big conference of the BRICS states will start in Kazan. The world will then see the unveiling of their currency plans, which are likely to imply a gold standard.
91 sats \ 21 replies \ @siggy47 11h
I haven't heard about this. Are BRICs really considering a gold standard?
did you zap my comment? something really strange has happened. I received 30 sats (43-30%) via p2p but I haven't any zap on my items.
have now reached the comment. 10 minutes later! cc/ @ek @k00b
208 sats \ 8 replies \ @siggy47 10h
Yes I zapped your comment. I'm the wrong guy to ask. Over the last 48 hours all kinds of weird things are going on. I'm not sure if it's SN or Alby Hub. My daily rewards invoices got deleted yesterday, though I don't know how. The rewards were never logged on the hub, though I assume my node received them. Last night my attached Alby NWC send connection just vanished. The secrets phrase disappeared from the SN attached wallet. I could not reenter it without getting an error message. I finally deleted my SN connection on Alby Hub and created a new one. That solved the problem so far. cc @ek @k00b
I'm not using albyhub but the alby extension. Something didn't go right with your last zap to my comment. I received it via autowithdraw instead of p2p. It's not working again.
44 sats \ 4 replies \ @siggy47 10h
How about the zap I just sent you?
this one I received in p2p but the stacked value in the comment still doesn't appear.
44 sats \ 2 replies \ @siggy47 10h
Beats me
five minutes later ...
by the way, looks like you guys shared a zap, I want one too, heheh...
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8h
My daily rewards invoices got deleted yesterday, though I don't know how. The rewards were never logged on the hub, though I assume my node received them.
I saw you and ek discussing that. I'll go find those comments and see what's up. If we have the preimages to those autowithdrawals, it's likely an issue with Alby Hub though.
Last night my attached Alby NWC send connection just vanished. The secrets phrase disappeared from the SN attached wallet.
Did you update your browser or restart your phone? We store the send connection in browser storage and your browser will purge its storage from time to time. We are working on a PR to store encrypted send wallets on the server, but in the meantime it's worth knowing that browser storage can be volatile.
135 sats \ 0 replies \ @siggy47 8h
Did you update your browser or restart your phone? We store the send connection in browser storage and your browser will purge its storage from time to time.
Bingo! Yes I did. That explains that.
65 sats \ 7 replies \ @k00b 9h
After your wallet receives a payment and accepts it, each channel along the route to your node has to settle with their channel partner. Only after that happens does the zap show on your items (otherwise we don't know if the zap succeeded).
Do you have mostly Tor channels? That might explain the delay.
No tor channels. I'm using the alby extension (WebLN and Lightning Address)
110 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 9h
I see. In general we can't control payment settlement timing on routes to your node. If you're not in control of your node - you can't control it either. It may be disconcerting, but that's the nature of p2p things - you are at the whims of your peers.
The best UX to be had here is going to be through a direct channel with SN because these timing issues will be less common. When I do node maintenance this weekend I'll try to setup a big channel with Alby's node and any other centralized custodial provider people are using.
Okay! I hope everything will be fine after the maintenance. I really want to use p2p, but it has to be working properly, otherwise it discourages me from using it.
22 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 8h
To be clear, it is working properly from our perspective. We just can't control the response time of your external wallet.
I get it though. We'll do what we can to make it better, but there are limits because your wallet is out of our control. Thanks for helping me understand the issue!
i understand that! But since I'm interacting with SN, the first idea is that it's SN's problem. You need better logs and visual indications of payment progress. This is important so you can make better debug, but also so that the user is better informed.
I don't have any inside information, but I don't really believe that. I don't see them getting along about who gets custody of the gold, quite frankly I can't see brazil, russia, india and china trusting each other. But they could come up with a totally unexpected plan and then I'll give it a go.
The plan will be based on Chinas already operational CBDC DCEP and alternative to SWIFT which provides Iran and Russia and N.Korea with trade payments independent of the USD SWIFT sanctions. China is the logical now hegemony as all nations must now trade with China or suffer moderate to severe consequences. Bitcoin does not have the liquidity or acceptance to provide global trade liquidity on any substantial level- Chinas CBDC DCEP does. Yes they are all hoarding gold but that does not mean the Chinese will provide any direct gold backing to their alternative to SWIFT- they don't have to.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK OP 10h
All what I read and hear Gold will at least be part of a basket of colaterals
In 2020 I was depending on 2 small fiats, and the fuckers didn't even let me transfer abroad since I no longer had a paycheck...
Fuck that slavery system, I melted my cards buying Bitcoin and used ATMs for cash, bought gold for most of that!
If I had not done all of that, and especially if I had panicked at the wrong point of time.... Well I'd be way underwater by now...
premium grade shitcoin
that said, i dont see any currency working for them, especially not a gold standard, because governments LOVE printing money and they cant help themselves.
even when countries were on a gold standard, they came off it sneakily many times, and always at war time.
with Putin's war plans, he won't be limited by a currency backed by anything and let's be honest, no world governments can be trusted to do the right thing
It is obvious what Brics wants. End dependence on the dollar as political and economic retaliation.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 9h
Will they actually have a gold standard? Half of the gold bars have tungsten in them, so will they actually count? And who will monitor the quality of gold? You know as well as I, it is only a matter of time before they start mixing their gold and making more of a lesser quality.
They dont need a gold standard- they are accumulating gold however because they are abandoning the USD. China has won the trade war - all nations must trade with China or suffer considerable loss. China already has its CBDC (DCEP) which is specifically designed to enable international trade payments free and independent of the USD SWIFT system. It already operates within China and in trade with Russia, Iran and North Korea and adoption by more and more BRICS nations is all but inevitable.