Yes, that is what I am thinking. We have gotten used to a system that didnt have these farmers for a while, so wwe have become complacent. We need to start calling out sat farmers and downzapping. Maybe the top 20 should form a committee to talk about this? I heard from Darth that a lot happens behind the scenes.....
What I do is just downzap low quality content a couple of sats.
I figure that's small enough that if I'm wrong, then it's no harm no foul. It's also small enough that I don't hesitate to do it.
The outlawing rule gives more weight to the number of downzappers than the size of the downzap.
Interesting. I will have to keep that in mind. Downzapping hasnt been my forte, but I should start doing it. I feel I do have some obligation to the community, as we all should.
I'm still kicking myself this week for not downzapping a post that I probably should've when I first saw it pop up.
Normally I wouldn't care much but it got like 25k sats for just copy-pasting to SN with nice looking markdown, and none were forwarded to the author, who is on SN.
Which post was that? I kick myself all the time about posts. There are some people I know that are sat farming, but if everyone gives them a few sats, their posts rise. So....that means his posts are relevant, right? Or is everyone giving sats because of the algorithm?
Dang, that's pretty egregious.
I think posts like that do need to be called out. I've seen people call them out in the comments and in the saloon.
I'm really bad at catching stuff like that, but I'll downzap 'em hard if someone else catches it.
Im slow at catching that kind of stuff, too. I feel I know a certain crowd of people here, all the newcomers and stuff, I am a bit reserved about.
Sort by top posts -> zaprank -> for the week, and test yourself, see if you can spot the one I'm talking about.
MoE vs SoV False Dichotomy?
If this :
This was originally posted on Medium and republished by Bitcoin Magazine.
was at the top of the post, it probably wouldn't have received as many sats without a forward to @roy.
Maybe they didn't know about forwarding, but I did just leave a comment to remind them.
bitcoin fasle one?