I agree with a lot that is said here. I was thinking, maybe the higher you are on the leadership list, the more the article is delayed before being shown to you? If you were high on the leadership board, and the article shows 10 mins after everyone else has seen it, wouldnt it even out the playing field? Especially for those gaming they system, they would have to post valuable comments instead if they wanted to stay above others.
I dont think it matters how late the article comes out for the people that actually use SN for its purpose. Even having an article come out 10 mins late, I dont think would hurt those people because they will still zap and offer quality comments.
Your comment actually did make me think of a possible improvement that doesn't handicap anyone.
All zaps in the first 10 minutes could count the same as the earliest zaps. That removes whatever disproportionate advantage people are taking advantage of and gives everyone enough time to read the post.