Hey @k00b, does early zapping benefit only apply to grifters?
@Undisciplined has one of the top posts of the day. I was the first to zap it with a 1000 sat zap. I am in 15th meanwhile our new reward system gamer is one spot ahead of me. Seems to me the rewards algo is structured to reward those that only zap early content and punish those that actually engage. I don't care about the sats. I know over the course of the 5 or 6 hours I spend on SN today I will get into the top ten. Doesn't matter though.
For some reason every one else seems to think this is a fun social experiment. I just think it makes people who put a lot of time and effort into creating and engaging on SN not want to bother.
158 sats \ 8 replies \ @k00b 18 Oct
Someone has to engage in the activity that you've admitted you don't want to do. If it's not other stackers that zap early, it's me, so we reward it so that I can get the chance to work on stuff stackers can't do.
I'm not saying the algo is perfect. I admit it needs to improve. You and I have discussed this. You know we're overwhelmed working on wallets. Yet, you continue to grind this axe as if it's the only thing that matters packing it with your cute mind reading, intent-loaded language like "only apply to grifters" and "punish those that actually engage."
I'm sorry it doesn't work the way you want it to right now. We will be sure to consult you all when we gets a chance in a few months to revisit the rewards algo. In the meantime, you're welcome to keep throwing punches and insulting me, but it won't help it change any faster.
Firstly, I never said I don't want to zap content early. I zapped undisciplined's post early because it was in my notifications, I read it and it was a great post. Shouldn't that be how it works? Rather than people not reading posts and zapping them hoping to be first and gain reward from it. I simply don't subscribe to the idea that no one will zap posts early if their isn't outsized reward for it. Maybe that was a feature of the early days of SN but I don't think that is the case now. When I am zapping content, whether it is a top stacker or a new stacker or just an occasional stacker I am zapping because I like the content, or I want to support the stacker. I think most people are doing the same.
Secondly, I apologize for the way in which I addressed this. Yes, it was patronizing. Canadians aren't always nice eh. Not trying to throw punches or insult you. Just providing evidence to back up my concerns. I went about it the wrong way. I appreciate everything you and ek are doing to meet your non custodial deadline. I tried to help out with my post and boost earlier in the week. Not trying to row in the opposite direction sir. I am on team SN.
And finally, you don't need to consult me or anyone else about anything. It's a testament to what you have built that you have such an engaged and passionate community that stackers care enough to drive you nuts with complaints, requests etc. I have sat in your seat but in a much different way. I never had a bunch of rabid fans suggesting what I should work on or what the direction of the company/site should be. I feel for you. I will mind my own business.
Appreciate you @k00b.
130 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 18 Oct
Firstly, I never said I don't want to zap content early.
I was taking this out of context, but I was paraphrasing you from #683671:
Great we should all aim to do nothing but try to zap content that will become top posts early.
I don’t want to spend my time doing that but if that’s what is the most valuable behaviour should we not all be trying to create the most value.

I will mind my own business.
Don't. My response is mostly about how you said what you said - not that you said it.

There's no hard feelings here. I got the sense you might not fully realize what your comment meant to me, so I need to be like "HEY"
1083 sats \ 2 replies \ @grayruby 18 Oct
No hard feelings of course but as noted I have been in your shoes in a sense and been overwhelmed with stuff to do and the last thing needed is someone making a complaint in a patronizing way. After you responded, I recognized that would have really ticked me off too when I was in the quote, unquote arena.
It's not the critic that counts and all. I am not trying to just be a critic. I want to offer constructive feedback and that wasn't a constructive way of doing things, especially in the saloon. I am not deleting the comment as I hope stackers will read through our whole entire interaction but I do regret the way I did it.
BTW my wife loved your meme. She laughed and said "try living with him". I think she was just being funny right, right? Haha
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 18 Oct
Haha. Nah. I would never do that. More like having strong opinions about how to do things.
1131 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 18 Oct
Ha! I am much more buff and handsome than that but he does have a nice hat. Good one. This should be top comment of the day.
I love it! I have better hats, too. Even better, I am much more round than this guy, he looks under developed.
That's why I zap few sats first... then wait for others reactions. If I have to say something in that post and will be first to comment, also I do not want to show how much I zapped that post. Why? because I came back later and zap more if is worth it.
In this way is like my "mark" that I read that post and maybe I have to come back.
That's why I sustain: zaps must be separated from upvotes. In this way you can manage better your sats and your engagement.
Good strategy. I might experiment with this but I still think the reward algo is too heavily weighted to zapping top posts early.
Sometimes worth to zap more the inside comments, from OP or others, than just the main post... depends how's going the engagement and discussions.
If you zapped 10k sats to the main post but then you find some good comments inside, even from the OP, your mind will say "hey, you already zapped 10k, is it really worth it another 1k?"
You understand what I mean. Keep your sats for later and use them wisely.
Yep. It's worth just as much being the top comment zapper as the top post zapper.
Good point.
I thought you had zapped 2k. Someone else might've been quicker on the draw.
No zapped 1k when you were at zero sats. After I wrote my comment to you, I noticed it jumped to 2k. If I was second and we are rewarding people for not even reading content, the problem is even worse than I thought.
That is why I emphasized the part about reading content.
Something I thought of after writing this post is that the early zapping could be based on time bins: i.e. zapped within 10 minutes, within an hour, etc. That way there wouldn't be an outlandish premium on zapping within seconds of the post going up and there would be time to read without being penalized for it.