I follow this stuff closely (or at leas I used to) up until October. As we approach the election stories become less accurate and more manipulative, so I just ignore it all. I already no what I think and any truly important story can wait for November.
Huh???? The stories about politics are never accurate and were always very manipulative. No, the truly important stories may not be able to wait until November. NATO or nuclear? Troops on the ground in Israel? More billions for war wastage but not for NC? I don’t think some of these stories are advantaged by our ignorance. In some of these cases, ignorance is not bliss.
The stories about politics are never accurate and were always very manipulative.
It's a difference in degree, not kind.
No, the truly important stories may not be able to wait until November
I already no what I think about the topics on the table. If something crazy happens, like a nuclear strike, then I'm sure I'll hear about it. It's not likely to change my opinion about anything, though.
I recommend trying it. You'll find when November rolls around that you really didn't need to get all worked about any of this stuff in the moment. If the same level of attention were being paid throughout the year, there would be even more things to be outraged about.
I guess the difference in degree would be about same as the difference between the 3rd degree and the 33rd degree. Sometimes the difference in degree is like the difference between survival and non-survival. I just do not choose non-survival, if I can help it.
This is the fourth year I've done this and there's never been a single story that I regretted not following in the moment.
You can do a simple test with yourself. A month from now, look back through your posts and count how many of those stories you're still talking about.
There are hardly any that are worth thinking about after a month, but, also, there are many that are worth keeping in mind forever. Some of the economic posts are good posts to refresh your memory on “Human Action” and “Man, Economy and State”, for instance.
I've zapped several of your ~econ posts. I agree that they're good illustrations of economic principles.
Yep, a second thought. They are only good for Austrians and others who are not wedded to the statist regimes of the world.
Yes, but for most people they are “garbage”. Keeping in mind the treasure/garbage relationship.
Maybe, but keep in mind the timing point I made earlier. You might just be missing your audience and your posts are buried by the time they wake up.
One strategy would be to make an alt account. That way, if people don't like your partisan politics content and ignore or block you for that, they will still see your less controversial ~econ content if you post it with a different account.