No motivation today to curate/find a proper puzzle, so I'll just leave you with this question.
What does the following expression equal to?
The main motivation to still post today is to link to the answers of the 2 previous iteration (#730327 and #728017). Both were puzzles coming from this Guardian article (hence the MSM reference in the title). Answers are also available in the link. The first one was apparently created by Randall Munroe, the guy behind the great and geeky xkcd comic (easier is to read them here where explanations for each comic are provided as it is often too hard for even the most advanced geeks to understand all references forming the jokes). The fact Randall created the first puzzle would have been a fitting hint to the fact that indeed, the numbers in the panels are part of the problem.
1 + =
Isn't the product equal to ? Otherwise, good job, as usual.
And it's pretty much the definition of Euler's number, when you calculate compounding interest over infinitely small intervals!
Right, off-by-one, edited!