Those of us who live in the eurozone or within the European Union already suspected it beforehand: the European Central Bank, sensing a threat to its monopoly on money creation, is about to take up the fight against Bitcoin. And it will do so with all the illegal means it should not have at its disposal. Supported by the capitals of the eurozone, which have become completely dependent on the Frankfurt money printer, we will soon be in for a rough ride when the bridges and gates close and new tough fiscal rules are introduced.
As I have been describing for months, the eurozone, the European Union is facing difficult fiscal years in view of its disastrous regulatory policy, the infantile climate policy and its Russia policy - it will do everything it can to eliminate signals that could indicate a crisis in the monetary system, such as a steadily rising Bitcoin price.
Click here for the paper, with all the details:
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posters on the r/Bitcoin sub are saying these two authors were the 'road to irrelevance' paper authors that caused much hilarity a while back - i'm left wondering how much they're being paid, and what it's denominated in...
noooo conflict of interest, nono -- none at all
it's all ideological preparation for
"future headline, save the dollar act passes"
san someone please write a "save the euro act" version of this?
style points for using chadbot ;)
Declaration of inadequacy. Sound money is dangerous to our system of robbing you blind!
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @yoshi 20 Oct
I love how they draw the line at bitcoin. Land owners are draining the economy more than ever and have been doing so for 100’s of years. The tax code incentivises it. They are the main cause of homelessness, yet no politician seems to care.
Bitcoin doesn’t cause people to be homeless, only for your economic energy to travel with you through time. Apologies for opting in as they inflate away your energy through their paper nonsense.
They need a scapegoat to cover their decay now
It blows my mind that the ECB has been recruiting from
for policy analysts.
Apparently they've been sourcing from r/buttcoin for years!
This cant be true
"since Bitcoin does not increase the productive potential of the economy"
whoa slow down Skeeter!
Good morning! Thanks to the articles that you constantly publish... we are all aware of the economic situation that the EU is going through... on the other hand, people who are on that side of the world more than ever must be very attentive!! because obviously they are going to try to pressure and force in different ways a total regulation and thus they also take control regarding Bitcoin... I will be more attentive to the following publications 📚🙃
Hi, hope You're well. Yes, it's obvious now that the EU is in deep trouble. And they will try to make us bleed for their erratic policy mistakes. We need to organise resistence in strong private communities which is possible at least here in the South
Uy qué mal.. tienes razón la resistencia y la organización sería una buena forma de proteger o de soportar! Fuerza amigo💪
Somos la verdadera (y la última) resistencia. Saludos
Strength Brother!💪 Greetings!!
It's like I always said, "Better to be an Early Bird than a Latecomer."
/It's still early
with all that said this one kept me wondering how did they even cover up their loss even though they offered the whole concept for free for a very long while
What drastic measures do you think they will take? Italy already has a 42% tax on bitcoin.
Outlawing it except for elite use. Registration of addresses. Eventually spending every cent they can print before finally having to accept it.
Thanks for posting this, Tom. I just started reading. So far it seems that the tone is not so much mocking bitcoin's irrelevance as expressing fear of it's success. I like this change from the usual fud!