Did you start this territory originally or are you just firing it back up?
I've started original one, happy to see @Jon_Hodl making this one going again!
Thanks for getting things started. I hope we can make some thing great in here.
Non of this belongs to any of us anyways. It just feels good to be part of it. Thank you for your contribution.
I'm not the original founder. I just re-founded an archived territory.
How can I look at territories that have been archived?
All of the territories that I searched for were archived so I just did some research to see if they're worth dropping the sats.
I talked to some buddies and some were interested in sharing the risk and reward of owning a territory. Then pulled the trigger.
I am wanting to do the same. Can I claim an archive territory and change the name and everything else?
Can I claim an archive territory and change the name and everything else?
I think if you change the name, the territory stays with the old name but I honestly have no idea how that works.
Maybe @k00b can better answer that question.
25 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 19 Oct
yes you can buy an archived territory and change the name to whatever you want
Awesome. Thank you. How do that? When I go to create and type the name, it shows archived and when I go to pay, it is saying it's already taken..
11 sats \ 7 replies \ @ek 19 Oct
which territory?
If something shows up, then there's an archived territory. If you get a 404, then it's never been founded.
Here's an archived one: https://stacker.news/~christianity
If you click on the territory tab and scroll to the bottom, you can see the "Create" button. When you type in the name of the territory you want to found, it will tell you if its archived or not.
How do you bring back an archived territory. When I go to create and type what I want, it says it's already taken.
Try with both an uppercase and lowercase "c".
That's what I had to do with ~Movies and ~Memes
That's the solution. Thank you.