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Inevitably there will be an astrology territory here. You may be the founder and help set the tone if you are interested.
Or maybe a territory that includes things like numerology, and other esoteric science. What would that be called?
They are all subsets of "spirituality" which is a sorely lacking category!
I wonder if there is a way to cofound a territory with multiple people.
I don't know. It's a great question!
Is there a way to see the archived territories? Is there any way to co-found a territory to split the costs and rewards? @k00b @ek
Not currently and not currently :)
@Design_r made this guide tho #697943 that lists all territories (archived and not) recently.
We want to do both. The wallet stuff just needs to come first. It’s still nice to hear requests though because it’ll help us prioritize what to build.
There you go. That's what we need. I would love to be part of that.
Me too. I've seen others on here talk about it. There used to be a "Christianity" category which would also fit under that definition.
There was a Christianity territory that has been archived. No spirituality as far as I can see.
That's true. And there are probably quite a few christians here.
I could just rename alternative. I wanted to make something very broad and inviting.