Recently, we celebrated the anniversary of humanity’s first moon landing, an unforgettable achievement by the United States. However, another monumental milestone, this time by Germany, was actually reached decades ago without our knowledge: Einstein, widely regarded as the greatest physicist, predicted a vehicle capable of faster-than-light travel, long dismissed as science fiction. Defying expectations, a team of distinguished engineers set the foundation, and now we’ve learned that it’s indeed possible.
This is to mean that if the craft itself ‘flies’ past the speed of light from a distance, it would not be a violation of relativity. The recent work also underlines the necessity to create an application known as “Warp Factory,” which helps to design and analyze warp drive proposals. This tool enables the exclusion of non-physical attributes from the approximate designs, as Einstein predicted.
If they have made this engine, in fact, It opens up the stars in a predictable way. Now we just have to build the ship and send it off. Are we sure that we don’t have such ships already? Are there other ways to do this traveling than with this type of ship?